there's always someone to help her

Just because of the smile in the photo, master SI's expression had completely turned soft. Even during the iron devil training, he was much more relaxed than usual.

At the same time, Xia duo continued to draw in the mountains.

After the children's classes ended, she ran to a quiet place, took her drawing board, and recorded the scene.

After she painted the paintings, she rolled them up and put them in a box. She sent them back to China for a period of time, and soon, her house was full of them.

she was drawing when she suddenly felt the wind was a little strong.

xia duo's painting was blown away in an instant, and she hurriedly raised her legs to chase after it.

she was a little anxious and lost her balance, almost falling to the ground.

at that moment, a man suddenly reached out and held her up. he was even holding the painting that had flown away.

Xia duo was stunned. She looked at the man and frowned.