xia duo fell into the pit

If she turned back to look for a place with signal now, she couldn't tell how long it would take for there to be signal. if she had to find someone to help her, she wasn't sure if she could bring them back here accurately.

although he could make marks along the way, how panicked must the little girl have been while waiting?

besides, xia duo couldn't guarantee how long she would take to find someone.

She didn't know how the little girl's injuries were, so she had to go down quickly to check on her.

after xia duo thought about it, she finally decided to go down and save the little girl!

she had brought a hiking belt, a flashlight, and an umbrella. she could try to hook the little girl up first.

if it didn't work, she would continue.

xia duo took out all the things and gestured to the little girl, " Don't worry, I'm coming to save you.

the little girl nodded and looked at xia duo with tears in her eyes. her eyes were full of hope and trust.