Did young Madam have an upset stomach?

In the garden of dibei city, the flowers were fragrant and blooming beautifully.

The wind blew over, bringing with it heat.

an xiaowan couldn't stand the heat, so she turned around and went back to her room.

she picked up her phone and wanted to call huo shen, but after thinking about it, she gave up on the idea.

He must be busy.

Perhaps, the incident with black robe had been exposed.

He had heard from Huo Shen that it was time for a life-and-death battle.

hence, an xiaowan continued to cultivate her body and mind. she no longer paid attention to any outside matters and just acted as if she didn't know anything. she stayed at home to take care of her baby.

her stomach was getting bigger and bigger just like that.

he turned on the tv and saw that the content had been adjusted by huo shen. it did not appear on any news channels.