the child is born!

He got out of the car decisively, stuffed a card into the driver's hand, and took a motorcycle with him.

he had only ridden a motorcycle in high school, and he had never ridden one since.

Now that he had mounted it again, it was naturally unfamiliar.

He recalled for a moment, and then he slowed down a little to get used to it, and then turned on the high-speed mode!

Huo Shen finally arrived at dibei city as fast as he could.

He threw his motorcycle down and strode straight into the house.

everywhere his eyes could see, it was all a mess.

The grass and trees on the outskirts of dibei city looked as if they had been crushed by some giant creature. It was a complete mess!

Huo Shen's heart tightened.

His expression also turned cold.

what was going on?

Could it be that an outsider had barged in?

when he raised his head again, he realized that there was actually a bright spot in the entire dark imperial capital!

it was their master bedroom!