chapter 2765-is it nonsense or the truth?

Everyone was in a state of chaos.

However, there was no turning back.

the incident that happened that night was too special. they couldn't handle it well. they could only say that they were unlucky.

Although the Huo family was strict when it came to mistakes, they had always treated them well. Moreover, even if he had to leave because of his mistake, the compensation he received before he left was also quite a lot.

Special Assistant Luo arranged for people to distribute it to them one by one. When they were almost done, he also said, " "Everyone is currently living in dibei city. So, if you can't find a new home or residence for the time being, the Huo family will provide you with a place to stay."

A few people who were confused and anxious were instantly stunned and quickly thanked him.

at this moment, the resentment in his heart had subsided a lot.