chapter 2767-where there's light, there's darkness

However, no matter what kind of person an Xiaowan's mother was, Huo Shen had long been prepared to accept her. As long as the other party doesn't hurt Xiao Wan and is sincere to her, then there is no problem.

And now, it was clear that the master doctor was truly sincere towards her.

not only that, he was even willing to give up his life for her.

moreover, the master doctor didn't seem like a bad person. She had done so many good things and helped so many people over the years.

Perhaps there was a misunderstanding?

huo shen thought that since the mother and daughter couldn't say it out loud and always thought too much, he had the obligation to be the middleman.

as for the head doctor.

Huo Shen guessed that she probably knew about Huo Shen and youzi's existence, so she felt that she owed them a lot, and that was why she didn't acknowledge them.

Just as Huo Shen was deep in thought, an Xiaowan woke up.