She can't remember

It was an unfamiliar name.

Jing luochen didn't know what to feel. After taking a deep breath, he still didn't give up.

"What's your surname?"

"I don't have a surname." the master physician said indifferently.

no surname?


But this involved the other party's privacy, so Jing luochen didn't know how to ask for a while.

Her heart tightened slightly.

he closed his eyes, picked up the cup, and took a big sip.

Then, she tried her best to comfort herself not to think too much.

After all, everyone said that his mother had passed away. if not, why did she not appear in front of him for so many years?

And his sister.

Everyone had told him not to be obsessed with the people and things of the past.

Things remained the same, but people had changed. Those people had long been submerged in the sea of people, and no traces could be found.