his first wife

"Daddy Yingluo."

When an yanmo heard her voice again, he jolted out of his reverie and released his grip.

He took a deep breath and turned his head away. He pretended to wipe away the moisture at the corner of his eyes unintentionally.

then, he looked at the head doctor.

"may i ask, what's your name?"

The master doctor was taken aback. She didn't expect so many people to like asking about her name recently, Yingluo.

in the past, after the introduction, everyone would just call her master doctor and would not ask for her name.

she felt a little helpless and could only say it again. " feiyun. "

This name was naturally not her real name, but ever since her memory was in a mess and she could not remember her past, she gave herself this alias and then used it as her real name. In this way, so many years had passed. this name had long since replaced the unknown name and was engraved into his bones.