Hug her

A small pattern appeared in front of his eyes.

it was very small and exquisite.

But at the same time, perhaps because it was a casual little notebook, the drawing was also a little more casual, and the lines were more lazy and unrestrained.

A small orchid, like the brightest sun, shone on an yanmo's heart.

after his initial shock, he was overjoyed!

"Hahahaha! Hahaha! hahahahahaha-" an yanmo picked up the book and read it over and over again. He laughed like a madman, as if he had just received a rare treasure.

he laughed so hard that his eyes were filled with tears. then, he lowered his head and kissed the pattern on it again and again.

he kissed her, laughed, and cried.

It was as if he could not control his emotions at all.

the master doctor was dumbfounded.

she widened her eyes, finding the scene to be too frightening. an yanmo looked like he had lost his mind.

The master doctor subconsciously took a step back and frowned slightly.