We are a married couple

his words were a little explicit.

she furrowed her brows and wanted to flare up, but she suddenly felt that she didn't have the strength to do so.

if someone else had said that, she would definitely have thought that the other party was teasing her. however, at this moment, she did not feel offended.

"What's the smell? what's the feeling?"

"this bi an is indescribable," "In the end, it's just an intuition," an yanmo replied helplessly. i can recognize you at a glance, and i'm very sure of it. at the same time, i saw the mark on your notebook, which made me even more certain that you were the one."

imprint kasaya

That's right!

At that time, an yanmo had started going crazy when he saw the notebook she always carried with her!

So that's how it is, sob sob

it turned out that he was looking for that mark.

the master doctor took a deep breath and was about to leave when she saw him take another step forward, still standing in front of her.