Do you want a mother?

she knew that she shouldn't look at this matter from the perspective of a bystander, but she couldn't feel any pain at all. moreover, she did feel that no one was harming anyone. after all, who knew what would happen when they were in love?

after they parted, the head doctor sat in the car and hugged the flower pot in her arms, slightly lost in thought.

This pot of flowers was truly beautiful.

She didn't know if she could take care of him so well. After all, she had to put in a lot of effort. right now, she was busy with the research institute's matters. where would she find the time to take care of flowers and grass?

in the following days, the master doctor did not show anything.

an yanmo would contact her every day, sending her messages, sending her fruits, and asking her out for dinner.

Gradually, the two of them grew closer.

However, the master doctor still could not remember anything.