Chapter 2807-antidote?

the cold touch made his eyes widen!

They were small and exquisite bottles!

di guang quickly took out the flashlight he had picked up earlier and turned it on.

the colorful light passed through the bottle and refracted onto the other bottles, all of which glowed with a charming blue color!

It was the antidote!

di guang confirmed the label on it, as well as the mini list of ingredients and so on, and finally confirmed that this was the antidote he was looking for!

how many were there here?

Di Guang quickly searched around, but found that there were still not many.

there were many small bottles scattered on the ground, but in fact, only three or four of them were the real antidote.

they could last for a few more days.

As long as the black robe organization was really destroyed, there should still be some remnants of the antidote in the other bases, right?

Although he said this, in fact, di Guang's heart was also empty.