forever together

In the early hours of the morning, di Guang took ye ning and set off.

they walked along the endless wilderness road for a long time.

after a few hours of walking on this road, they finally saw a short building in the distance.

"Look, that's our first stop." Di Guang smiled, feeling a little excited.

ning ye took a deep breath. his eyes were a little hot. he was very excited, but also a little complicated.

they were really going to start a new chapter in their lives!

He didn't expect so much time to have passed during the days and nights he had lived underground. facing each other day and night, quarreling, supporting each other, all the emotions had an unforgettable taste and were forever engraved in their memories.

"earth light kasaya"


"I really want to be with you, forever, forever." ye ning's tears fell from the corner of her eyes.