i can't stand being deceived!

At that time, there were many people who came to participate.

with so many eyes on her, she suddenly felt extremely nervous. she even trembled as she walked and stepped on her skirt a few times.

The wedding dress was beautiful and fit her well.

it was only later that xia duo found out that it was the best work the top designer had made before he retired. it would also be the only one.

However, no one knew that Xia duo didn't know how to wear high heels.

The wedding dress was set aside for a certain length, so she had to wear high heels.

when xia duo was practicing wearing high heels, she sprained her ankle backstage. the xia family had been ridiculing her that day, calling her an ugly duckling since she was a child. even if she was about to marry into such a luxurious and rich family, she still couldn't change her poor nature and didn't even know how to wear high heels.