bring up the experiment from back then

this won't do, the experiment has to speed up!

When youzi arrived at the Research Institute, she immediately went to her own laboratory.

he had come to this laboratory with the chief doctor. usually, he would lock the door and not allow anyone to enter.

After he entered, he immediately locked the door and pulled the curtains.

Then, he gently pulled open the cloth on the box in the middle.

it was a transparent box with an air circulation system. there were a few white mice in it. they were cut open and had their own living space and some food.

When he opened the grapefruit, he saw that they looked a little different.

Its body was obviously bigger than the average white mouse, and its eyes were more agile. Its walking speed was also increasing rapidly.

youzi took a look and saw that they were almost at their limit.

thus, he took out the medicine bottle that he had prepared, ran to the work table next to him, and took out the needle for drawing blood.