have you seen the little boy on the island?

however, at that time, he did not have the ability to protect himself in the sea.

and now, he already had one.

He had already adjusted his angle in the air, so the impact of the seawater was basically all cushioned by him.

However, she was still unconscious for such a long time.

huo shen, on the other hand, was completely fine and recovered very quickly.

after waiting and waiting, an xiaowan finally woke up.

seeing that she was fine, huo shen finally relaxed and his face looked much better.

"xiaowan, yueyue, are you okay?" huo shen quickly waved his hand to let the doctors in. at the same time, he sat beside her and held her hand, asking softly.

The doctors came in and examined an Xiaowan.

Then, he realized that her body did not seem to have any problems. She was just a little weak because of many days of sleep.

An Xiaowan took a deep breath and looked at Huo Shen.