The scar on the back of the waist

Huo Shen shrugged his shoulders. I don't know, but I'm satisfied with what I have now.

an xiaowan took a deep breath and nodded.

At least, he had survived.

at least, they had met, fallen in love, and accompanied each other.

An Xiaowan smiled with tears in her eyes. Her emotions were very complicated. For a moment, she didn't know what kind of expression she should make. She was extremely confused.

huo shen pinched her little face again and continued,"do you still remember anything?"

"what else is there?" she widened her eyes in confusion.

"For example, the injury." huo shen pursed his lips and said in a deep voice.

when an xiaowan thought of this, she was slightly stunned.

then, he nodded his head and told her about his dream. Including his own injuries, the two of them fell into the sea together.

"how were you saved, qingqing?" huo took a deep breath.

When he asked this, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

he was also very afraid.