An nishui's mood

On the second day after Xia duo left, the an family's banquet officially started.

it had been a long time since the an family had disappeared and never held a banquet.

ever since an yanmo had woken up, his body and mind were no longer the same. he had seen through many things in the world and just wanted to spend the rest of his life carefreely. he didn't even want to care about the company, let alone something as troublesome as a banquet.

An yanmo had put a lot of effort into the banquet this time.

an xiaowan looked at an nishui who was running back and forth and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

du yunlan's child seemed to have a good character. although he was a little rebellious at the beginning, at least he didn't have any bad intentions now. after taking over the an corporation, his performance was also very good.

He still had the ability.

He wondered if du yunlan would be very pleased when she found out.