she looks so much like yingluo

such a scene might seem extremely ordinary to others, but to her, it was a warmth that she had only been able to achieve after much difficulty.

finally, home was no longer a place for lies and traps.

an xiaowan's mood became very high, and she walked around the center of the banquet, talking and laughing.

huo shen, who was standing not far away, couldn't help but smile when he saw an xiaowan like this.

on one hand, he was happy that she was so happy, but on the other hand, his heart ached for her.

at this moment, yingluo

the late elder jing had also arrived.

When he received the invitation, he didn't pay much attention to it at the time. After all, he felt that the Huo family only wanted to invite close people to the party. He guessed that they probably wanted Jing luochen to go.

However, he had nothing to do today, and he happened to be nearby. After thinking about it, he decided to come over and take a look.