an xiaowan's guess

she didn't suspect anything about huo shen, but the thought of this possibility made her feel uneasy.

all the expressions on her face were wiped away. she couldn't help but take a deep breath and walk around the room.

What to do?

An Xiaowan thought for a moment and quickly called the Huo family's doctor over.

The doctors shook their heads in unison and said that they did not see young master Huo.

an xiaowan didn't believe him. she ran to their building to take a look and only left after confirming that huo shen was not there.

she took out her phone and called huo shen again.

At the same time, Huo Shen was still sleeping in youzi's room.

Youzi saw her father's phone flashing non-stop. She couldn't help but take a look, and suddenly she started to panic.

The experiment was not over yet, but his mother seemed to have discovered something.

otherwise, she wouldn't have kept calling her father even though she knew that he was working.