I am willing to marry you!

Luo's face was full of happiness, nervousness, and excitement. He took a deep breath and continued to walk with her.

along the way, it was a red carpet.

speckles of light lit up under her feet, and the fragrance of flowers filled the air on both sides of the road. it was a dreamy scene.

Special Assistant Luo felt like he was in a daze from what happened next.

he seemed to be very clear-headed, but also seemed to know nothing.

he only knew that after he had done everything that he had rehearsed in his mind thousands of times, he had finally reached the final step.

he took out the one-of-a-kind diamond ring that he had prepared long ago.

Special Assistant Luo had saved up a lot of money over the years.

as young master huo's special assistant, he was not just a special assistant. he also had shares and dividends.

moreover, he was now in charge of several branch companies of the huo family.