traces of survival

For an undeveloped place like this, it was very normal for something to happen during the period of closure.

However, looking at the dots marked on the map, they were a little closer and a little further away from the triangle in the center. Moreover, there were actually mayflies in all directions, so everyone's heart trembled.

In such an environment, the chances of her being safe were really low.

but none of them dared to say this.

After all, this matter was related to Xia duo.

And Xia duo was si linghan's sweetheart.

letting out a breath, the subordinate quickly advised, " "Master si, the current situation on the mountain is too dangerous. i think it's best if we split up and search for them first. you can go up after you've found some traces, so that you won't waste your time walking around."

that handsome and majestic man just stood there without a word.

his eyes were locked on the map. it was as if he could see his xia duo through the triangle.