chapter 2916-the world can't tolerate a deep love

how could this world tolerate such deep love?

Yes, he couldn't.

therefore, deep love meant short life.

"If you don't like it, then start it."

The last three words were an apology. It seemed to be said to his parents, his relatives, all his subordinates, and all his friends. or perhaps, it was his final apology to the world.

he was being selfish.

that was why he only thought about protecting the people he loved and had no time to protect the people he loved.

si linghan finally closed his eyes after uttering the last word.

the doctor hurriedly put an oxygen mask on his face, but the doctor was still trembling, not knowing if it would work.

the helicopter landed at the fastest speed.

immediately, someone used a stretcher and placed si linghan's body into a glass cover.

On the other side, the helicopter rose again and sent Xia duo to a public hospital very close to the hospital for emergency treatment and blood transfusion.