"Si Wanwan"

by the bed, a figure was arranging the kettle and cup on the table with his back to her.

xia duo was slightly stunned. her vision was a little blurry and she couldn't see who it was.

for some reason, si linghan's figure appeared in her mind.

She felt as if she had been unconscious for a very, very long time. During this time, she had a very, very long dream.

It felt as long as a century.

she dreamed of the times she spent with si linghan.

in her dream, she did not seem to be afraid of si linghan anymore. when he locked her in the room, she actually went forward, gently held his hand, and shook her head vigorously.

"I don't like to be locked up. If you're unhappy about anything, just tell me, okay?"

In reality, Xia duo didn't even dare to say this to si linghan.

what she was most afraid of was to make him unhappy and make him worse.