If I wasn't the one who saved you

hearing xia duo's " confession ", su mucheng's expression didn't change for the better.

On the contrary, it seemed even more pathetic.

xia duo was trying her best to cater to their needs. she was trying her best to find a way to make their future smooth-sailing.

However, all of this was based on an illusion.

The one who had truly risked his life to save her wasn't him, su muDong!

when xia duo was lost and had nowhere to go, lost in danger and desperately waiting for someone to appear, where was he, su mudong?

he was persuaded by a passer-by to give up on the idea and stayed at her house for the night!

it was delicious and soft!

And she was in danger at that time! If only ... If only he could be more determined and go up the mountain earlier to take a walk.

"don, let's not talk about this anymore. i love you. we're fine, okay?" Xia duo opened her mouth and coaxed him softly.

But su muDong was like an irrational child, extremely stubborn.