how is si linghan?

How could a man like him leave so easily?

shouldn't he be pestering her forever?

Xia duo was shocked and afraid.

In Xia duo's heart, he was the most impossible existence in the world to be annihilated. he was so powerful that no one seemed to be able to defeat him. it was as if he could not be harmed by anything. he was like a mountain.

she felt that she could not control her body. she could not care about changing her clothes, so she suddenly lifted her skirt and ran out.

The back of the wedding dress extended behind her, and it was blown up by the wind in a beautiful arc.

she ran very fast, using all her strength, until she was covered in sweat.

the wind outside was a little cold, but she didn't notice it at all. she just kept moving forward.

Outside, she wanted to hail a cab, but she couldn't get one.