Memory tampered with?

After that, the two families went to have tea together.

while drinking tea, he even found someone to calculate the few good days.

furthermore, it was a perfect match.

Huo Jingyan's and ye Qingqing's birth dates were very suitable. They complemented each other and would lead to a happy future.

The two of them were very happy to see this and smiled at each other.

that's right, they would definitely be more and more blissful.

it wasn't because of their birth characters or their status. it was because they were truly in love now and they believed that it would not change no matter how many years passed.

"Huo Jingyan,"


"look at my ring, is it bright?"

he thought that ye qingqing was going to say something romantic, but he did not expect her to ask such an abrupt question.

he couldn't help but laugh.