Chapter 2951-almost falling apart

however, in the next second, the stern-looking man actually bent down slightly.

his well-defined sexy lips went straight to xia duo's hand.

Yingluo. Xia duo was stunned for a moment. Then, she couldn't help but laugh. She followed his wishes and handed the cup over to feed him.

And so, a tall, handsome man with a strong aura was being fed by Xia duo in front of everyone. He drank a few sips of flower tea.

oh my god, it hurts my eyes!

tuan tuan sat on the chair, his little legs swaying. he was also a little dumbfounded.

this dog food was really everywhere.

Xia duo finally managed to comfort the man and ran to an Xiaowan's side. She pulled her aside and secretly whispered, " "He's been acting weird these few days. Ignore him."

"why is it so strange?"

"Ahem." xia duo was a little embarrassed. she cleared her throat, shrugged, and said in a low voice, " "someone's been pursuing me recently. i've rejected him many times, but he still won't give up."