it's time to get married

the next day, after taking tuan tuan to meet the teachers and principal and tour the school, an xiaowan received a call from elder jing.

elder jing was getting older day by day, and his health was getting worse day by day.

although most of the jing family had been handed over to an xiaowan, she still had to deal with the an and huo families, and the jing family could not take care of it. gradually, elder jing began to feel that the family really needed an heir in the future.

So, elder Jing began to set his eyes on Jing luochen, who was becoming more and more cheerful.

over the years, jing luochen had really gotten better day by day.

a physiotherapist came and did some complicated tests on jing luochen. it showed that his autistic symptoms had become " weak ", and his mental health was almost the same as that of ordinary people.

However, he was evaluated to have poor social ability, that was all.

a child like this could totally get married and have children.