lu bei's accident

"Alright," he said. lu bei sighed and agreed with a bitter face.

in the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

In the past three days, Jing luochen had been feeling very confused, but he couldn't sort out his thoughts completely.

therefore, he didn't take the initiative to contact lu bei. he only waited for lu bei to occasionally send a message or two, and then he would reply to him simply.

The two of them were a little distant for a while.

However, this indifference made both of them feel serious discomfort at the same time.

Three days later.

The servant of family Jing ran in hurriedly. I heard that Qianqian heard that Lu bei got into a car accident overseas!

"What?" jing luochen suddenly stood up.

A look of fear appeared on his usually expressionless face, and his pupils trembled.

"is it serious?" Jing luochen asked nervously.

I'm not too sure. I only know that they were carried to the hospital in a short while.
