Side Story (1) blooming flowers at the top of master SI's heart

dark mist

The endless darkness was dense.

Xia duo moved her eyelids, but she didn't have the strength to open her eyes.

his body was extremely heavy.

She moved her wrists and felt that there was a rough rope that tied her hands together.

The rope was just enough for her to be unable to break free, but it wasn't too tight.

"You're awake?" a low and magnetic voice, with a chill and countless feelings of oppression, rang in his ears.

he carried a world-destroying fury and ruthlessness, like a bloodthirsty lion, or a messenger from hell, cold and ruthless.

xia duo was shocked and her fingers started to tremble.

"Si Zhengrong."

She used all her strength and finally, she opened her heavy eyelids!

A handsome face that was engraved in her memory, with the aura of a bloodthirsty demon, appeared in her vision.

he had a chiseled face, well-defined sexy lips, thick eyebrows, and deep eye sockets.