side story 1: blooming flowers at the top of master si's heart (4)

see him?

Who was he?

did she forget something important?

Xia duo racked her brain and tried her best to recall, but she didn't know that her current appearance was extremely similar to the guilty look of having her thoughts exposed.

at least, that was how si linghan saw it.

si linghan suddenly released her hand and turned around.

His deep and cold voice interrupted Xia duo's thoughts.

"Don't even think about running away from me in this lifetime!"

xia duo watched him leave in a daze and felt a little helpless.

What did she just do? Why was he angry again?

sigh, it seems that this question is much more difficult than i thought.

Xia duo was just lying in bed, trying to recall what " she " or " he " had appeared during this period of time to make him so angry and bothered.

then, someone suddenly knocked on the door.