Side Story 1: blooming flowers at the top of master SI's heart (9)

xia duo sat there in a daze for a while and didn't notice the abnormal atmosphere around her. she just accidentally came back to her senses and realized that wen zhiyuan was actually in her sight again!

it was like a ghost that refused to leave!

Xia duo was shocked and immediately looked away.

However, just as she moved in another direction, she met si linghan's eyes again.

The Tao Wu was terrifying!

the air pressure was getting lower and lower.

Xia duo's chest was a little tight and depressed. Her lips moved and her eyes blinked, but she didn't know what to say.


this reincarnation was really a hundred times harder than he had imagined!

she had originally thought that as long as she induced him a little more and took more initiative, si linghan would naturally discover her feelings and change this cold attitude of his.

however, he didn't expect that yingluo would be so shocked.