side story 1: flowers bloom at the top of master si's heart (12)

soon, lin yueyue was downstairs like a clown, performing horse riding.

at this time, there were already a lot of people who came to eat, and they were all coming in the direction of the dining room. everyone watched lin yueyue's monkey-like performance and couldn't help but laugh.

lin yueyue's face turned red, and she didn't feel good.

After dinner, there was still a bonfire party.

Everyone gathered around the bonfire, dancing, singing, and playing games. It was a great time.

Xia duo sat right next to si linghan. She didn't have an excuse to leave, nor did her expression turn stiff.

as si linghan watched, he felt that this was a little unreal.

xia duo seemed to have changed all of a sudden?

When did it start?

just as she was thinking, she saw the assistant from today's shoot walking towards xia duo.

The assistant stood in front of the two of them and bowed slightly. He smiled respectfully and said, " "hello, young master and young madam."