side story 1: blooming flowers at the top of master si's heart (18)

xia duo's face immediately turned red.

her eyes widened as she looked at si linghan, who was inches away from her, and her heart suddenly ached.

At this moment, he looked so close and real.

She really hoped that he would not be lying on the hospital bed covered in blood again.

Si linghan's sharp senses detected that her eyes were slightly red.

hence, he was slightly stunned and immediately wanted to let go of her and put her on the bed.

but xia duo, on reflex, grabbed his strong arm!

"si linghan, qianqian."

Si linghan's movements stopped, and his body instantly stiffened.

this was because yingying's own body had an indescribable reaction.

it was just a close hug, a faint fragrance in his nose, and their bodies touching each other. they were only transmitting warmth to each other!

"don't let go." Xia duo took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

for the first time, she realized how warm and safe it felt to be held by him.