Side Story 1: blooming flowers at the top of master SI's heart (22)

when she heard si linghan's reply, xia duo even wanted to cry.

he finally saw the light of hope.

this conversation had definitely taken a qualitative leap.

After that, si linghan began to control his temper. Every time Xia duo shook her head, he would frown and try to calm down.

After a few times, it was quite effective.

after another week, xia duo's degree was restored and she went back to school.

Si linghan took a step back and no longer tied her up. Xia duo also took a step back and no longer hid her identity as the young Madam of the SI family. She also allowed the SI family's driver and guards to pick her up and protect her.

although many people in the school kept a respectful distance from her after learning about it, it didn't matter. she felt that this was already a very good situation.

xia duo deliberately avoided all male creatures that might be interested in her and was almost always alone.