Fainted Because It Hurt Too Much

They finally held out through the week's training.

Weekends meant rest time for them.

Yu Bao'er excitedly talked to Gu Qingjiu about how they would wake up early in the morning to explore the village nearby and purchase some things which they could use at the same time.

It was hard for Gu Qingjiu to wake up in the morning.

Even if it had been a week, she was still not used to waking up so early.

When morning came, tiredness sagged through her as if someone was pressing down on her.

Her stomach churned like hell as if someone was punching it. She could feel a massive pain in her organs as well.

The pain had cloaked her entire body. She had wiped the medicine on her body yesterday, shouldn't the soreness get a little bit better by then?

She struggled not to get up, but Yu Bao'er's calls woke her.

"Qingjiu, Qingjiu."