Prince Charming Mu Sheng

"Alright, whatever you say."

Gu Qingjiu badly missed Yu Bao'er since they hadn't seen each other in a while.

The duo had endless topics to talk about whenever they met. But this time, they decided to go catch a movie.

Yu Bao'er wanted to go to the mall to buy some clothes. While Gu Qingjiu was accompanying her as she shopped, she weighed the pros and cons of coming clean to Yu Bao'er. But she ultimately decided not to tell Yu Bao'er about her dating the Chief Instructor for now.

Unexpectedly, perhaps due to telepathy, Yu Bao'er mentioned the Chief Instructor out of the blue.

"Eh, Qingjiu, after you went to the military zone, do you know what our Chief Instructor He is doing?"

Yu Bao'er took a bite of the ice-cream she was holding. "I heard from a friend that he was transferred away. But I have no idea where to."

Speechless, Gu Qingjiu fell silent for a moment, then said, "You have no idea either?"