Can She Become Such A Person?

It would be more intense.

There was no need for further explanation from Lu Yimei. Just hearing the words International Competition…

It was enough for the blood in her to roar.

Before, Lu Yixin had already mentioned it once. Now that she had the means to go, Gu Qingjiu would naturally be more excited.

But summer break…

She might be in North City during that time!

"It will also be Yin Ruoyi's first time taking part in an international competition this year. After the competition in October, his battlefield will be overseas. Frankly, sharpshooting experts in our country do exist, but internationally, they are still not considered the best. Within the country, there are only a few veterans apart from Yin Ruoyi. We are still ranked below America in target shooting. Ever since Sheng Ming disappeared, we are always ranked second. Aish."

Lu Yimei sighed at the last part.

But Gu Qingjiu heard a foreign name.