
In Shanghai, it was nearing dusk. The air emanated warmness, however.

Feng Hui had left behind a strand of his vital Qi inside his little sister's soul. This was a protective talisman that would safeguard her life. From now on, his life would be full of risk; therefore, he had left her behind.

Fighting an Immortal, the spellcaster… Feng Hui did not wish to drag her into his mess. During his pursuit of revenge, there were bound to be inevitable events that he could not foresee: following him would be too dangerous! What if the spellcaster simply decided to wipe them out while he was still weak?

Furthermore, Feng Hui was not willing to put down his unending rage! Until he achieved revenge for his mother, he would never rest! This was his personality; he would avenge his loved ones. Since he could not babysit her, he needed Feng Mei to grow up fast.

In the Dragon Continent, growth was only possible through hardship. If Feng Hui tried to coax his little sister throughout her development phase; her growth would be stunted, and it would be dangerous for her to live on in this world of death.

If anything, his little sister being around him would be more risky. It would do more harm than good. Feng Hui had to harden his heart.

Feng Mei's safety was guaranteed. With his vital supreme Qi inside her, it could be stated that she had been given another life entirely. Furthermore, he would be able to detect if her life was in danger. In fact, by parting with one of his crucial vital strands, Feng Hui's soul had weakened.

Blinded by revenge, Feng Hui explored the city. For some reason, he felt cold, and his body shivered.

From a tender age, Feng Hui recalled everything. He was not normal, and he could vividly remember his memories since childhood. There was a sharp pain in his chest, but all he felt was the touch of his kind mother and the way her eyes sparkled as she raised him.

Feng Hui remembered the swelling of new life in her stomach, and the promise of a family. Shortly later, his little sister had been born. An eternity seemed to swell between them, and then there was nothing.

Breathing in a mouthful of warm air, Feng Hui unresponsively wandered the streets. Using the Ancient Dragon Manual, he absorbed the vibrant energy of the atmosphere. To cultivate faster, he could devour the vital Qi of creatures to evolve his body's spiritual energy and strengthen the soul.

Similar to a dragon, Feng Hui would devour. In short, to devour described the Ancient Dragon Manual! In the Dragon Continent, it was a renowned peak cultivation inheritance of the Long Family.

Through the Ancient Dragon Manual, Feng Hui continued to absorb everything. Eventually, the handsome teenager came to a halt.

Perched in the middle of an abandoned street, Feng Hui proceeded to transform the chaotic energy he had absorbed into refined energy. A warm feeling suffused throughout his body, and he sensed his frail physique becoming more robust.

But, in reality, the difference was minor. At this moment, if Feng Hui did not use his soul, he would be unable to lift even a mere hundred Jin boulder. Compared to his former self, it was really too pathetic; furthermore, he had a looming problem.

In short, if Feng Hui did not reinforce himself, he would die. Eventually, his body would collapse due to being unable to support the efficacy of his cultivated soul. Currently, he could decimate armies of monsters, but it was limited!

If the monsters had a firm will, Feng Hui would find it harder to influence their minds. As the monsters became advanced, the creature's soul would become more stable and therefore be harder to affect!

In order to achieve his revenge, Feng Hui had to retain his sanity and remain calm. Taking a deep breath, he tried to control his overwhelming sense of loss.

While lifelessly cultivating, Feng Hui detected movement in a nearby alleyway. To the side, a family of four emerged. In the family, there were two lovely daughters. While cautiously peeking around the corner, the family spotted him.

"Sir?' From their family, one of the cute daughters somewhat vigilantly called out. The red-bloused Xie Na examined the handsome man, and she felt a trace of fear due to his cold look. In response, the cold man remained motionless. But, in the corner of her lively eye, a hint of passion was blossoming.

"Nana!" The other daughter, Xie Ling, seized her big sister's hand, and she looked warily at the cold man. As her little sister, Xie Ling was more cautious of this unknown man. Somehow, although the man's handsome face was emotionless, he had the natural air of a predator.

Feng Hui did not stop cultivating; moreover, he did not even bat an eyelid at the family. Just like that, their 'stand-off' lasted for the time an incense stick took to burn. Finally, the family could not bear the silence any longer, and the middle-aged father spoke up.

"Friend, we do not mean any harm. I'm Xie Tian. Those two are my daughters, and… they're still in high school." Subconsciously, Xie Tian extended his rough hand. Across his palm, there were several uneven lumps: it was clear from the calluses that he did a lot of manual labor.

At this point, Feng Hui finished absorbing all the remains of the infused energy. Judging from Earth's standards, if he cultivated non-stop, he would still require at least a decade to reach his former physical peak. This thought chilled him: how was he supposed to get his revenge? Unless… he devoured the vital force of corpses. In the Dragon Continent, he was an unparalleled genius; therefore, he never needed to resort to this primitive method. From childhood, he was nurtured with priceless treasures.

Feng Hui sighed. Turning his attention to the well-built father's words, it was obvious that the man feared for his family's safety. Xie Tian even made it clear that his daughters were still young so that he would let them off.

The saying was true, 'You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." In the past, Feng Hui had at all times been a law-abiding citizen, and he did countless virtuous deeds. After his reincarnation, from the first impression, people would now only look at him in terror. But he needed a set of rules, he would not absorb humans; instead, he would only devour the portal monsters. Even for revenge, he would not be a merciless devil: that was not his way of doing things.

"Neither do I. I'm Feng Hui." Feng Hui replied, and he emitted an elegant bearing. While observing the middle-aged father, he noticed the cute red-bloused teenager shyly looking at him. Upon making eye-contact with his pitch-black eyes, Xie Na embarrassedly turned away.

"Mister Hui… about those monsters, do you know what they are?" Xie Tian clumsily asked. In his eyes, the white-uniformed man should have emerged from one of those domains. That meant he was not a mere high schooler, but a powerful monster killer!

The family was lucky. Fortunately, they had made plans to visit a relative today; therefore, the four were not in a majorly-populated place and were together on a Monday. In every populated area, there were these invisible domains which restricted passage but not sound and sight, and above the domains were numerous horrific portals of various colors!

"No." Besides the fact the monsters hailed from another world, Feng Hui did not have much information. Surprisingly, these four were the first survivors he had encountered so far. Possibly, the family could be special. He added, "Their skin is tough. To break their hide, weapons are required."

From what Feng Hui had deduced, the spellcaster's domains did not cover the entire city. Yet somehow, he had not met a single survivor while walking the deserted streets. Likely, the spellcaster had used a technique to force any nearby organisms into one of the domains; therefore, he believed that the family probably had some special trait that allowed them to remain invisible from the spellcaster's scan.

For now, Feng Hui opted to not enter any of the domains. From the outside, one could clearly see the insides of the domain; however, the sight was different when looking from inside the domain.

Inside a domain, unless the person in question wholeheartedly concentrated their senses and used their entire willpower, they could not see any lifeforms outside the domain. It was similar to an isolated world that ran on its own laws!

Currently, unless Feng Hui's body returned to his physical peak, he could not control these laws. The reason was simple: the world's natural defense mechanism would preserve itself from intruders. The world contained chaotic energy that would tunnel inside those who dared to influence the laws. If one's body was not strong enough, their flesh would begin disintegrating from the particle level!

After their brief conversation, the cute red-bloused Xie Na shyly asked him, "Are you the legendary prodigy, Feng Hui, who achieved the sole perfect score in the hardest national exam to date? I'm Xie Na from Litan High: the second-best school in the region!"

"Hello Xie Na." In response, Feng Hui nodded. He was not surprised as his photo had appeared in the headlines of many newspapers. For a moment, the eighteen-year-old girl was stunned. It really was him? Furthermore, she felt awkward due to the young man's way of speaking. In an impolite manner, it was like speaking to an old man?

"Umm… Classmate Hui, do you want to come with us?" Xie Na timidly inquired. The cute red-bloused girl looked very bashful as if she had just confessed to the love of her life. Geniuses really were different. In this chaos influenced by madness and confusion, he kept his calm.

As a girl who liked to be doted on, Xie Na really admired that calmness; moreover, she once had a fleeting crush on this prodigy in the past. The first time she saw his photo in the papers, she had fallen in love. But later, she realized this love was destined to never bloom; therefore, she sealed it away.

While Feng Hui was about to respond, he noticed a distortion in space energy nearby. Retracting his parted thin lips, his heart turned chilly. Facing this unexpected arrival, he looked at the source with calmness.