Chapter 3: A touch of Heaven!!

The Headmaster is a man on his early thirties. He stands a full 6 feet tall with a posture fitting for his status as a head of a prestigious school. He has a neat brown hair with green eyes and has a slim, healthy figure with muscles all over the right places. He wears a black suit covering his brown high neck shirt and a black pants with a pair of white-black sneakers. Overall, he is a handsome middle age man who looks to be in his early to mid twenties despite his real age.

"No need to be so alarmed Agent Ant." Tiger chuckled and took a step front. "Lucia may have failed this to mention but I was a former agent of the Brotherhood with the alias of Tiger. Now I'm Jonathan Erendal, Headmaster of Rosemary Academy and a proud father of one lovely girl."

Rin's posture seemed to ease a bit. "A former Agent, no wonder Boss spoke like she seems to be familiar with you."

"Shucks that Lucia." Jonathan smiled and cleared his throat. "Anyways now that the pleasantries are concluded, its time to brief you on what you are going to do during the duration of your stay in my prestigious Academy."

Rin simply nodded in response.

"As you may know, my position as the Headmaster always put me in the spotlight. As I have many friends and allies, the opposite can be said the same. My affiliation with the Erendal Inc. and its CEO who happens to be my father in law also applies. As such, my enemies will not hesitate to use every opportunity to bring me down and me having a daughter? I'm sure you can imagine."

"Did your daughter already experience any form of danger relating to that?" Rin questioned Jonathan with a serious look.

"Sadly yes. Mostly Attempted kidnappings but my bodyguards have prevailed... barely at most. You can't blame a father for being paranoid hence the reason why I hired you. Anyways, your primary objective is pretty simple, protect Kana from any danger that threatens her. As much as possible, I want it to be discrete so that she won't feel uneasy but don't hesitate to use any means necessary should the situation calls for it. I want her to live a normal teenage life as much as she can."

"Got it." Rin nodded.

"Also, I know us Agents are devoid from the pleasure of a normal life the moment we have entered the brotherhood so consider this as some sort of secondary objective." Jonathan added. "You may live and enjoy the benefits of being a student here at my Academy. Don't be afraid to open up and make friends while you are here. After all, friendship last a lifetime if treasured."

"I'll try." Rin simply answered with a wary smile.

Jonathan nodded with satisfaction "That's acceptable."

"Will that be all Headmaster?"

"Of course Ms. Mayfield." Jonathan pressed the intercom on his desk. "Melynda see to it that our new student is appropriately welcomed in our school."

"It would be my pleasure Headmaster." Melynda's voice was heard from the intercom.

Jonathan once more faced Rin. "You may leave now. Melynda will be guiding you to your classroom."

Rin bow his head respectfully and turned to leave the room.

Jonathan stared at Rin's retreating figure his thoughts currently focused on the agent.

'I really hope for your sake you will try Rin. I don't want anymore emotionless pawns that the Brotherhood has been producing for far too long.'


"So… Melynda right?"

Rin was now seen walking with the busty green haired beauty at the hallway of another building.

"Yes Ms. Mayfield. My name is Melynda Greenrose, Deputy Headmistress and Assistant of the Headmaster. How do you find the school so far?"

"I say it definitely lives up to its reputation. I sincerely thought that this was a city!!"

Melynda chuckled at Rin's childish response. "You are definitely not the first who thought about that."

Rin grinned. "So tell me about the Headmaster. As his assistant, you must have known him for a long time."

Melynda pondered for a bit and seeing no reason to not tell some information about her leader, she finally spoke. "Headmaster Jonathan Erendal is a person of high esteemed. He is a good man, known for donating a lot in charities and has expressed his love to children from time to time. He is also an effective leader, being the Headmaster, he has led Rosemary into the peak of greatness for the past few years and has still remained in the top. On a personal level though, he is a good friend and mentor."

Rin could not help but smile at the pride behind her voice, the fact that Jonathan's subordinate spoke highly of him means that he is indeed a person of good nature.

They finally arrived at the entrance of the classroom.

"This will be your class, 1-D. It seems that they are in a self study session since their teacher is on a leave. Wait here and I'll notify them before you enter." Melynda said and entered the room while leaving the door open.


"Damn it I'm so bored!!!"

The orange haired girl, the one who bump at Rin moments ago was seen yawning at her desk.

"Well it is self study period so you can study." The girl beside her, a brown haired beauty giggled at her actions.

"But that's even boreder!!" The orange-haired girl pouted and rest her pretty face on her desk.

"Oh Meiko, you really do need to study." Her seatmate responded and took out her notes.

"Hey guys!!" a girl with long violet hair called out to the two seatmates.

"What is it Keana?" The brown haired girl asked.

The girl now known as Keana grinned. "Have you heard? We've got a new transfer student and she is going into our class!!"

"Really? I hope she is nice."

"Or maybe she is some secret agent in disguise trying to protect a certain heiress from the dangers that threaten her and her love ones." The girl Meiko said with sarcasm and both of her classmates giggled in response.

Keana bump her hands into her chest proudly. "Then it is up to me, a member of the Newspaper Club to uncover the mysteries concerning this new girl!!!"

The door suddenly open and all activities ceased in an instant at who they saw entering the classroom.

"Settle down ladies." Melynda made herself known to the class.

The class 1-D could shared the same thought at why the Deputy Headmistress herself is inside their classroom. Melynda stared at the confused expression of the students with a professional look.

"I'm sure you are all wondering why I'm here. To enlighten, you ladies are going to have a new classmate."

The ones who don't know all shared a look of surprise and they all murmured about the situation.

Some of them are thrilled to have a new friend in their class while the others are simply indifferent and nodded their heads to acknowledge the Deputy Headmistress.

"As a matter of fact, She is here right now." Melynda said and gestured Rin outside to enter.

All eyes are now locked into the new figure who entered the classroom.

'It's her!!!' Meiko's eyes widen at seeing the girl who she bump a while ago.

"Kindly introduce yourself Ms. Mayfield."

Rin cleared his throat, a bit nervous at all eyes currently at him.

"H-hello everyone!!! My name is Rina Mayfield and I'm from Dawn City. I look forward to getting along with you all!!" Rin's voice was filled with enthusiasm like a ray of sunshine, trying his best to maintain his girly voice.

The class giggled at how lively the new girl is and they all return with a kind and welcoming gesture.

"It seems that you are in a self study period. This is a perfect opportunity to get to know Ms. Mayfield right now. I'll be taking my leave." Melynda smiled and turn to Rin. "This is your first day so take it easy Ms. Mayfield. Get to know the place and don't be afraid to ask your new classmates to catch up with the current lessons."

Melynda then cleared her throat. "Ms. Erendal!!"

The brown haired girl, seatmate of the orange haired girl Meiko reacted quickly and stood up.

"As the Class representative, it is your responsibility to ensure that Ms. Mayfield here catches up with the lessons and cope with the school system. May I entrust her well-being to you?"

"It would be my pleasure Ms. Greenrose." The girl said with a sincere smile.

Rin took a good look at the brown haired beauty talking with Melynda.

The girl is definitely a looker. Kana Erendal carries herself with dignity on the same level as a princess or noble. She has long brown straight hair consisting of straight, cheek length side locks and frontal fringe. In simple terms, the Hime cut. Her eyes round with the color green. In short, just imagine the Headmaster de-aged to 16, turned into a beautiful girl and that's her.

'So that's Kana Erendal. She's a lot prettier in person. Let's see… definitely a 9.5 out of 10 as she is a true beauty both in face and body. She carries the vibe of a princess, not that I'm far off since she is the daughter of the Headmaster and her hairstyle too. Her face simply defines a beauty like no other especially when she smile, her smile that can melt even the coldest of hearts. Let's not forget about her body, a cup size of C in her already devastating arsenal and her figure with curves all over the right places. Crap not to mention those thighs, moderately thicc with a level that is above satisfactory and those black stockings compliments very well with it!!'

After Melynda took her leave, Kana smiled brightly at Rin.

"Hello Ms. Mayfield. My name is Kana Erendal and as you have already heard from Ms. Greenrose I am the class representative of 1-D. "

"Nice to meet you Ms. Erendal. Say you are related to the headmaster right?" Rin grinned, his voice filled with excitement as he returns the friendly gesture with a handshake.

Kana flinched a bit at the mention of her father and immediately released the handshake. Rin noticed the uneasiness that has transpired on her tone.

"Yes he is my father." Kana merely answered, her eyes turning cold.

"Okay." Rin said immediately dismissing the information which caused Kana's eyes to widen.

'Hmm she's not interested about Dad?'

Kana immediately returned to her friendly demeanor, her smile subtlety returning.

"Let's not be too formal Ms. Mayfield. We are classmates after all and soon to be friends. You may call me Kana."

"Sure and call me Rina" Rin nodded.

While the two are conversing, they were joined by the rest of the class who are thrilled to finally meet her in person.

"Wow, you're cute!!!"

"You have beautiful hair!!"

"So adorable!!!"

"What are your three sizes!!??"

"Do you have a boyfriend??!!"

"Straight or Lesbian!?"

Rin smiled awkwardly, trying his best to remain calm at the girls trying to ask him questions.

'Are all high school girls like this!??'

Kana cleared her throat causing the entirety of the class to be quiet in an instant.

"Girls please don't scare Rina away." Kana said in a sweet voice but the class thought that they saw a demon behind her who promise pain and suffering to those that defy her. "We are her new classmates after all and give her some time to adjust and get to know her in a slower manner. You're scaring the poor girl."

Rin saw the entire scene and chat down in his mind that Kana Erendal is someone not to be messed up with especially at the moment when they shook hands where she suddenly turned hostile.

While Kana was lecturing the entire class on proper conduct and whatsoever, someone tug Rin from behind, causing him to turn around and what he saw surprised him a bit.

"Hi." It was the orange haired girl from before.

"Hey you're the girl from before!!" Rin grinned.

"Yup!! Once again sorry about that. The name's Meiko Aliston." Meiko introduced herself.

"Rina Mayfield as you have heard." Rin said and they both shook hands.

"You are from Dawn City right?" Meiko asked like she is trying to clarify something.

"Yep." Rin smiled.

As Meiko was about to say something, Kana interrupted as they approached them.

"Sorry about that Rina. Our classmates are just rather excited to meet the new girl and a pretty cute one too." Kana said.

"Hehe you flatter me Kana." Rin's face was a bit red and is smiling sheepishly.

Still his mind traced back to where Kana became cold with him for a short while and wondered what the heck was that all about.

Before they get to socialize even further much to Meiko's displeasure, the time for the next period will almost start and so Kana instructed everyone to take their sit and Rin was guided at an empty sit located at the very back on the middle.

'Wait shouldn't the protagonist sit near to the window on the leftmost corner?!!'

I have no fucking idea what you are talking about.


Classes ended at 4 pm sharp and this the time where students either partake on their extracurricular activities or go back to their dormitory.

Speaking of dormitory, Rin is now seen together with Kana as the latter guides the former into the said place.

"This here is the 1st year Dormitory which is known as the Butterfly Dorm" Kana points at a large building which has 4 floors.

Rin is impressed. "Wow, this place sure looks like a condominium. It seems that this school does not spare any expense."

"Of course. Rosemary Academy is closely affiliated with Erendal Inc. and 10% of the company's funds is catered to the ever growing expansion of the Academy." Kana said with pride evident on her very voice.

"Erendal Inc. Are you some princess or something?"

Kana giggled. "Well you are not the first to comment that. I'm not a princess silly since we have an actual princess who is the daughter of the Queen herself. I'm just a normal girl who happens to have a rich family and a father who is coincidentally keeping this school running in top shipshape condition. Let's just leave like that okay?"

"Whatever you say, Hime." Rin teased her a bit.

"Mou Rina!!" Kana pouted rather cutely.

The two merely laughed together and both of them then entered the dorms. They were greeted by a beautiful black haired receptionist with an inviting smile.

"Hello there Ms. Erendal what can I do for you today?"

"Hi Ms. Layla. This is Rina Mayfield the new student and resident of this dorm. Rina meet Layla Trace the Dorm receptionist of Butterfly."

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Mayfield. Call me Layla since you'll be seeing me a lot for the whole year so you might as well be on friendly terms with me just like the whole residents of this dorm." Layla said and shook hands with Rin.

"The pleasures all mine. I guess you can call me Rina too." Rin gladly shared the same sentiment with the older girl.

"I'm glad Rina. Anyways, the Headmaster informed me in advance regarding your situation so I'll be giving the key to your room. Its room 74 located in the third floor." Layla handed the said key over to Rin which he gratefully took.

Rin gave his thanks and together with Kana proceeded to the third floor via the elevator.

"Room 74, this is it." Kana smiled.

Rin simply nodded and return the gesture. "Yes and thank you Kana for accommodating me."

"Of course, I'm happy to help a new friend in need. I guess I'll leave you now to your devices and hopefully you'll get to adjust in our school as quickly as possible."

Saying her farewells with a bright smile, Kana wave her hand as she finally left Rin alone.

Rin unlocks the door, finding himself in a spacious room filled with everything he needs from the simple single bed, a study desk, a dining set in the middle and a semi luxurious bathroom with a shower, toilet, and bathtub. His things were also transferred in advance courtesy of the Brotherhood and the Headmaster.

Satisfied with the room, Rin begun to change out his uniform into a more comfortable attire consisting of a simple white shirt and yellow shorts. He thought of removing his wig to make himself even more at home but decided against it as he did not want to risk anything despite being in a private area.

"I'm a girl now so I might as well act like one" Rin muttered under his breath and took out his laptop.

'The way to enter the B.S.S. database is rather complex, it is rather well covered up by the normal operating system of the laptop. First, enter my designated password and it will be labeled as incorrect. Next is to enter my second password and the results will be the same. Then the fun part, typing the exact code '2aN5301' and the words will just disappear without even notifying if its correct or incorrect and lastly, enter my first password again and voila...'

"Welcome to the B.S.S. database Agent. Please state your code."

Typing the words "Ant", The laptop immediately scans his face and asks for fingerprints to finalize his validation as a secret member of the Brotherhood.

'Cool I'm in. Now to find out more about our Hime.'

Rin typed "Kana Erendal" in the search bar and he was greeted by at least 200 results.

'This sure is like the internet, specifically the Deep Web for Agents. Damn the professional stalking business.'

Navigating to the database, Rin clicked the first result which shows her bio.

'Kana Erendal, esteemed daughter of the renowned Headmaster of Rosemary Academy, Jonathan Erendal (Former Agent Tiger of the Brotherhood Vault Branch). Huh so Jonathan came from Vault guess you learn new things everyday. Born on July 12, 2005 and is currently a student of Rosemary Academy class 1-D and resides at Room 21 of the Butterfly Dorm. She is also its class representative and has also done a fine job in assisting and enforcing school policy in collaboration with the Student Council and the Headmaster. Despite being only a first year, she is a prodigy in terms of Academics and Athletics. Many have said that she is next in line to be the Student Council President and even the current president agrees without any bias.'

"Woah she sure is one of the top dogs here." Rin muttered and continued reading.

'Status: Single, Nice!! Ehehehe not that I have any shady intentions or anything. Under protection as per Mission 304D currently being taken by Agent Ant of the Dawn Branch.'

"Special mention, sheesh." Rin merely shook his head.

The rest of the information seemed unimportant for now as it only includes miscellaneous stuff and the norm.

Rin glanced at the alarm clock beside his bed and it is still 5:02 pm which in fact is still to early to eat dinner and hit the sack. His next course of action is to probably install security cameras on Kana's room to definitely ensure her safety. Sure it may be a breach of privacy especially for a young teenage girl but safety is the number one priority and he would not want to risk anything over something as trivial as seeing someone being naked. Besides in some of his missions, he would share a tent with a female agent and both agreed that its strictly for business and it won't affect the efficiency of the mission itself.

'Still hehehe a good excuse to peep at naked girls. Damn it how did I turn up like this?'

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door being knocked. Opening the door, he was greeted by a certain orange haired girl who smiled at him.

"Hello neighbor!!" Meiko greeted Rin with utmost enthusiasm.

"Hey Ms. Aliston what's up." Rin grinned in return.

"Silly, just call me Meiko, we are going to be classmates after all."

"Sure and you may call me Rina. I'm not one for formalities thank goodness." Rin nodded and Meiko's smile grew wide.

"So Rina.. uhmm." Meiko was about to say something but…

Meiko was suddenly bump from behind, causing her to fall and Rin's eyes widen at her falling figure being directed against him. They both fell down and unlike their first encounter, bodies are not the only thing that are being joined together.

Their lips, touching one another.

Simply put, Kissing.

Both mouths pressed against each other, both of them too shock to even react or have the initiative to even pull out their lips locking with each other.


Camera on hand, we find the violet haired girl Keana together with Kana outside the room.

"Now this is a scoop!!" Keana grinned wildly, her mouth drooling as she continues to capture at such a perfect girl to girl moment.

"Oh my..." Kana merely said, her hands covering her hanging mouth.

'Is this heaven?' Were Rin's thoughts as he did not mind dying this very moment.


In an alleyway, two men wearing blue boiler suits are seen in a suspicious manner.

"So the boss wants to do us again?" One of the men asked.

"We are to abduct some sort of rich lady from this All-girls school." His partner answered in a serious manner, holding the picture of a beautiful girl.

"An All-girls school!?? Lucky, the babes are a sight to see!!"

"Yes but the boss wants us to avoid any distractions though."

"Yeah, yeah. But I can play with her for a bit right? She is a beauty hehehe..."

"Hmm well the boss did say we are to retrieve her by any means possible but alive of course so maybe if we have the time."

Both men simply grinned evilly, simply looking at the direction that is the prestigious Rosemary Academy..