Chapter 17: Unusual Pact of Blue and Red

AN: Contains rather foul and offensive language and scene. Please don't hate me hihihi


"Hands where I can see them."

Mania flinched slightly at the sudden voice behind, commanding her without any hint of restraint in his voice.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Mania seemed to be left with no choice but to comply with the command, raising her hands for the terrorist to see.

"I dare you to try anything unbecoming or I'll pull this trigger without any warning. " The terrorist threatened the redhead beauty. "Now do as I say and turn around."

Mania did so, revealing herself to the terrorist in front of her.

The terrorist's red eyes, the only part of the face that can be seen in his mask, widen in slight astonishment momentarily before returning to its passive look.

But Mania being quite the observant one did not fail to notice the subtle gesture, a perfect opportunity being presented as she exploited the man's astonished reaction as a short moment of susceptibility, crouching down slightly and in an instant, closed the distance between them as the girl disarmed the man's gun pointing at her. As she was about to slash him with her combat knife, the man quickly pulled out his very own same weapon and blocked the attack like a true expert.

"Ho? it seems that you recognize me Mr. Terrorist." Mania said, eyeing the man with intrigue, their blades clashing in a fierce stalemate. "I sense that you are somewhat... different from the other men that have the privilege to encounter me."

To his credit, the terrorist seemed to remain calm, his composure undisturbed despite being their weapons now pressing against one another. "Of course Ms. Death. You are infamous together with your sister in the Underworld after all."

"I'm flattered!! I did not know that the Phantom Coffin even has decent human beings such as yourself. Your fellow baddies either wanted to touch me in the most inappropriate places or defile this magnificent body of mine." The redhead said with glee. "Oh wait, that's almost the same thing but it does not matter, I sent them to a special place called Hell as I bathe in their blood."

The terrorist was surprised by what Mania responded to him. "Wait, you are not working with the Phantom Coffin?"

"Nope." The girl smiled. "And what does it have to do anything with it Mr. Terrorist? Aren't you here to stop me from whatever it is that I'm about to do?"

The man sighed, immediately retreating a few steps away from the girl and put the knife back to its holster.

Mania tilted her head in confusion but the smile on her face is still present. "What's this Mr. Terrorist? So we are suddenly friends now?"

"I would hope to be allies Ms. Death." The man answered.

"Wait..." The girl said with a baffled look. "Don't tell me... You too are also not one of them?"

"Bingo." The man smirk.

Both of them now seemed to relax at each other's presence, the hostility a thing of the past.

"So what are you some sort of spy or something?" Mania asked.

"Mercenary." The man quickly responded.

"So who are you employed with?"

"You really are a talkative one are you?" The man looked in deadpan.

"Tehee~" Mania smiled cutely.

The man sighed "Fine but a question for a question. Sounds fair right?"

Mania nodded enthusiastically. "Sure!!"

"Alright I'll go first." The man said. "What is the famed Death sister of the Underworld doing here in Twilight City?"

"Hmm." Mania stroked her chin. "Boredom I guess. Being secluded in that backwash of our hideout in the Underworld is no fun at all. So I decided to head out and do some shopping here. While I was browsing for clothes, some men, the same ones dress like you, rudely interrupted me and they paid with a knife on their belly~"

"I see." The man answered. "So you are not involved whatsoever in any of this?"

Mania shook her head cheerfully and the man nodded in acknowledgment.

"Well, my questions still stand." Mania giggled. "Who are you employed with?"

"No one important." He answered without any delay. "A minor gang calling themselves the League of Menace hired me to do some espionage on the Phantom Coffin.

"League of Menace? Never heard of them." Mania responded.

"And I prefer you not to. I tend to keep my client's personal information a secret. It's my best selling features as to why people hire me." The man replied with a grin.

"Fine, I won't pry." Mania said. "Last Question before we proceed to whatever we are about to do... What is your name Mr. Mercenary?"

The man crossed his arms as he answered. "Ryan... Ryan Walters."

"Ryan." The girl smirks deviously. "I'll make sure to remember that."

"And my last question for you Ms. Death." The now named Ryan asked. "What is your plan from here on out?"

"Killing!!" Mania answered with glee and Ryan merely raised an eyebrow. "That and getting myself out of here in one piece. Seriously what the hell is wrong with this timing?!! Of all the days I go shopping, this Phantom Crap shows up and ruined my day. They'll definitely pay with a blade sticking inside their asses!!"

The girl stomps her foot in indignation, acting rather childish as Ryan chuckled at her hilarious antics.

"Now that everything is settled and along the way, I suppose you are planning to shut down the electrical power of this mall correct?" Ryan asked as he eyed the circuit breaker.

"Correct smarty-pants!!" Mania responded happily. "It would be so much easier to kill those pathetic prey while in the dark. They wouldn't know what hit them!!"

"That you are correct Ms. Death." Ryan nodded and gestured to switch off the power. "So shall we?"

"Hmm but before that~" Mania said and without warning, the redhead girl pulled Ryan into her, gripping his shirt tightly with one hand and using the other to unmask the supposed to be Mercenary.

"Ehhh, So that's what you look like without the mask." Mania grinned madly, now eyeing at a handsome man with a FEMININE face and BLUE short messy hair.

The redhead undoubtedly likes at what she is seeing right now as she licked her lips in delight.

"Mama likes what she's seeing." Mania purred with pleasure as her face was dangerously close to the Mercenary's face. "You're pretty cute~"

Ryan Walters...

Rin Grayson could only sigh at his current predicament, hoping that things won't fall out of hands too quickly now that Mania knows his face.

After all, he does not want to lose the situation uncontrollably, confident that he can manage to get himself out of this mess, exactly like that time just recently, where he escaped from that scumbag terrorist and murdered the scum that dare to molest Keana right in front of his very eyes.


Prior to the events before Rin makes his getaway from the cafe, the blue-haired boy in his girl disguise was seen being held against his will, arms being grip by a sick perverted terrorist whose morals are beyond redemption as Rin was being dragged inside at the back.

Both found themselves inside the kitchen of Sunshine Coffee & Tea.

The Terrorist assumed a lecherous grin as he released Rin from his grasp.

"Now you pretty whore lets start with some warm-up. Kneel and pleasure me with your tongue just like the slut you are!!" The man grabbed Rin's head and forced him down to his knees.

Eyes gleaming in sick perversion, the man unbuckled his pants, revealing his white underwear briefs and a huge bulge forming beneath it.

"Hehehe now miss, first why don't you try touching it first, get accustomed to it. Then you can slowly take off my brief and lick my dick. I promise it will be delicious!!" The man's face was literally drooling shamelessly as he grabs Rin's arm and was about to lead his hands to his private unmentionables.


"Huh, what was that you slut?" The man could not quite get what Rin just said.

Before the terrorist could even process what just happen, Rin with lightning reflexes grabbed the knife secured on the terrorist's holster on his pants and buried the blade deeply in his legs.

The Terrorist did even get the chance to scream in sheer agony as Rin immediately removed his wig and shoving it in his mouth forcibly as they stumbled at the floor.

"You despicable, worthless trash." Rin's red eyes were filled with pure, unconstrained hatred at this... this thing. He doesn't deserve to be called a human being anymore for what he was about to do to Keana, what he was about to do to him!!!

The man's muffled cry of pleading and mercy falls into deaf ears, tears flowing in his eyes. The rage only kept growing as it screamed at Rin to break, to execute this monster.

"I will not give you the satisfaction of granting you a swift death." Rin told the man with fury evident on his voice. "You deserve something far worse than that."

Torture session now commencing, Rin sank the blade slowly by slowly in his neck and to add insult to injury, he did so while twisting, causing the man to convulse in suffering as blood slowly splattered around.

"Painful is it? How cute. Did you even take into account the feelings of the girl that you dare to defile, even going so far as to refer to her as a cum dumpster!" Rin spits in disgust directly at the man's horrified face. "You sicken me scum."

Rage taking over, Rin proceeds to unmask the man. "Tsk hideous both in personality and looks." He then brutally stabs the man's face multiple times, deforming and mutilating the features until it was no longer qualified to be called a human being and resembling more like a pile of meat.

"This is for Keana." Rin muttered under his breath and eyed at the corpse with a disfigured face and messy cuts at the neck as the blue-haired boy took his wig from the mouth filled with a saliva foam and blood.

Rin then turned to look at his bloodied hands, shaking with adrenaline as his face assumed a deep frown.

'I did it again. I let my anger took all over me again. Maybe I'm the true monster huh.'

Still, he must not let the emotion of anger control him any further as there are a lot of pressing matters to attend to.

'Right, to hide the body and take his clothes.' The blue-haired boy thought as he did so and turned around to spot a meat room just a few feet away.

"Didn't know this cafe served meat too." Rin dragged the body inside and locked it in a locker.

After a short while, he immediately wears the deceased terrorist's attire for an effective disguise and eyed at another exit just right in front of him.

'First order of business, shutting the electrical supply to cause confusion and mayhem within the ranks.'

And just like that, he immediately left the scene.


Back to the present...

Fortunately, the redhead only knows the name Ryan Walters which he is going to be assuming from this point onward for now and hopefully, the lies that he had been feeding the girl earlier won't backfire him in the future.

'She truly is one of the infamous Death sisters. I have to keep my game straight around her at all times. Thankfully, she is with me as an ally and not as an enemy. It would be very troublesome if we had kept the fight ongoing and I don't want to waste any more time around here.'

"Are you just going to stand there and gape my oh so cute face all day or are we going to finally shut this whole place down?" Rin... Ryan eyed the redhead with a deadpan expression.

"Cute and witty. You are an interesting one Ryan Walters!!!" Mania giggled adorably as she released the blue-haired boy from her grip. "Yes, and let's turn this place to hell. I can't wait to finally kill those Phantom shits in the dark!!"

With no one stopping the reluctant (For Rin at least) duo of Blue and Red, the Circuit Breaker was finally switched off, instantly turning the place into absolute darkness.