Chapter 19: Into the Mayhem!!

As the blackout immediately engulfed the entire shopping mall without any warning, the terrorists straight away felt panic and dismay since they can't see clearly in the dark.

The same can also be said to the innocent civilians that are being held captive against their will.

But in just a few minutes or so, the armed men instantly regained their high morale, showing dynamism and vitality much to the confusion of the hostages.

Inside Sunshine Cofee & Tea, The one terrorist who acts as the hostage-taker of the store nodded with great satisfaction at hearing the message coming from his walkie-talkie.

Although still rather displeased that his partner has 'left' him just like that together with that new blue-haired whore of his.

"Huh I guess this is your lucky day ladies and gentlemen." The terrorist arrogantly makes his announcement. "It seems that we have finally got what we wanted in this wretched scenario. For that, it's time to say our farewells."

Before the terrorist could make his exit, someone, a girl's voice called him from behind, a tone that shows anger and to her credit, also bravery for potentially provoking a man with guns.


The Terrorist halted his tracks and turned around to find a violet-haired girl glaring venomously at him. He raised an amused eyebrow at this girl who exhibits a significant amount of spirit for calling him like that.

Beside the violet-haired girl is her friend, a short petite girl with orange hair who is looking at her with worry.

The orange head pleaded her to remain calm."K-Keana maybe we should not-"

"No Meiko!!" Keana cut her off, a rageful look on her pretty face as she pointed finger at the terrorist. "I want to know what these bastards did to Rina!!! They can't leave just like that!!!"

"Ah so that's her name." The terrorist in response approached the two girls, a demeanor one showing haughtiness as he crossed his arms. "If i know my partner, then I wouldn't be surprised if your blue-haired friend got taken by him. Once he has an eye on a prize, then he not would hesitate to take them home as a trophy, to be flexed and defiled again and again until such time that all she could ever scream of is the sound of anguish and sick pleasure."

"Why, why are you doing this?!" Meiko screamed as tears fall in her orange eyes.

"Because young lady, its what we want and the pitiful wimps can't do anything about it. After all, the weak perish and the strong flourish. It is as what nature is intended to, do you agree?"

"You're right~"


A voice of a girl was heard as a dark shadowy silhouette suddenly appeared behind the man.

The terrorist felt genuine, unadulterated pain as a knife struck deeply, making a gory hole in his neck as the end of the blade was witnessed for all to see. In an instant, all eyes were focused on the man as his body falls to the floor and just like that, he was no more.

The two girls, the ones closest who got the privilege to experience such a horrifying scene could only scream in terror as blood keep pouring from the man's throat.

While all of this was happening, the people inside were all so focus at the now deceased terrorist that they fail to notice the one responsible leaving the cafe as she was seen twirling the combat knife around her fingers like a toy. Her expression seemed content, fulfilled at the act of ridding of such deviant man who ridiculed those two girls.

As the girl was walking around, she heard a voice of authority coming from her earpiece.

"Recruit, where the hell are you!? Disappearing off like that, you had me worried!"

The pink-haired girl chuckled sheepishly. "Ehehehe my apologies, Lt. Henders ma'am. It seems I was not able to keep up with you and have gotten lost."

"Right." Henders answered in an unamused tone. "I'm currently on the 2nd floor and heading towards the 3rd floor at the Administration Office. I believe that it is where the princess is held. You are to head there and regroup with us, understood?"

"Yes ma'am." The girl said as she smiled deviously, her eyes currently unseen by the Kevlar helmet covering it.

'Things are about to get hectic around here~'


Rin in his terrorist disguise together with the other armed men finally arrived outside of the Administration Office.

"So what are we supposed to do here?" Rin asked the terrorist beside him.

"We are to guard this place until the choppers to retrieve us will arrive. It's going to take probably about 15 minutes or so. Since we already have the princess, then there is no point in staying to look after some civilians. After all, the life of the princess is worth a million people of the Twilight, or so what Boss Reginald had quoted." The Terrorist answered.

"Makes sense." Rin nodded. "I'm kind of curious what's going on inside the office. Can I enter?"

"I guess not." The Terrorist shook his head. "Boss Reginald's specific instruction is to guard this place with our lives since this is the most crucial part of the operation."

"That suck. It's not every day that you get to see the crowned princess in person." Rin crossed his arm in annoyance and merely turned around to look at his surroundings.

His eyes were drawn at the darkness, keeping his wits about as he patrolled the area.

'Wait, I think I have a brilliant idea!!' Rin thought, approaching at a secluded location a bit far away from the terrorists.

"I hope a MANIAC DEATH would be so kind as to approach me here." The blue-haired boy stated as he exaggeratedly emphasizes the words and a few moments later, Mania appeared, her face adorning a cute smile as she playfully eyed Rin.

"What's up Ryan?" Mania answered as she cutely posed while putting both of her hands at the back jointly.

"I can't believe I'm saying this to one of the top Assassins of the Underworld. "Rin sighed under his mask. "May I ask you a favor?"

"Anything for my new bestie!!!" Mania's eyes twinkled with exhilaration, smiling brightly. "But-"

The redhead approached the blue-haired boy in a somewhat intimate manner, leaning as her face closing into his as she playfully put a finger on Rin's mouth.

"It's going to cost you~"

A sweat was seen pouring underneath his masked face, the blue-haired boy in disguise hoping that he would not regret making a deal with a hot and beautiful demon with rather arousing features as Rin's face heat up slightly, eyes wondering at the glorious cleavage that she is showing.

'You know, that redhead chick is indeed one of the most ravishing ladies that our privileged eyes have witnessed. That sexy body, damn!!!.' Chibi Devil Rin suddenly manifested beside at Rin's shoulders as he giggled in a perverted manner. 'Hehehe Best Waifu indeed. Her devilish personality, that captivating smile, and of course, her mesmerizing figure... its just, perfect!!! Not to mention the color red, suited as it matches us the color blue."

"I don't know." Chibi Angel Rin too appeared, but his face is shown to be frowning slightly. "I admit, her beauty and... lasciviousness is indeed undeniable but I find her demeanor rather off and sinister."

"And that's the greatest thing about her brother!!" Chibi Devil Rin answered his Angel counterpart. "She is the perfect partner for us!!! and arguably, the best girl out of the now four or maybe five girls that we have met!!"

Rin, the original blue-haired boy could only shake his face while blushing at what his thoughts are feeding him.

Mania merely smiled while staring Rin with slight confusion at how funny he is acting right now.


"Thank God you're here ma'am." Charlie breathes a sigh of relief as he and his two squadmates saw their superior officer joining them in the reconnaissance. The men also noticed that a certain pink-haired recruit was not with her.

"Where's the recruit?" Oliver could not help but ask.

Henders palmed her head in irritation. "She got lost while following them, saying that she was not able to keep up."

"Hahaha she's a recruit alright and probably still having that 'cloud on her head' phase. Brandon laughed quietly. "Why did you even allow her to tag along with ma'am?"

"She needed the experience." Henders replied. "That and she was the most enthusiastic out of the bunch when I asked the rookie platoon on who will join us for this operation."

"Huh, the typical new blood, always willing to prove themselves." Charlie stated with a smirk.

"That recruit." Oliver wondered as the squad faced him. "What was her name again?"

"I'm here ma'am!" On cue, the recruit finally arrived as she joined with her fellow squad.

"Took you long enough." Henders replied with a nod. "Alright now that we're here, tell us about the whole situation Charlie."

The man in attention nodded. "Almost all of the terrorists are now gathered here, let's see... about 50 of them or even more. We are clearly outnumbered and should proceed in caution."

"Yes." Henders eyed the area filled with the armed men with a calculative look. "But we have the advantage of surprise."

"Still it is risky to attack the place if the princess is indeed inside, that and they also have flashlights equipped on their guns so once a battle initiates, then the situation will be truly out of control, losing our advantage and at the same time, risking the princess's safety."

Their eyes turned to the other female of the squad, their eyes widening with awe at the pink-haired girl who gave a rather lengthy input on the matter.

"The recruit is right." Henders nodded in agreement. "One of us should act as a distraction to lure at least a portion of the guards in an isolated area."

"Wait..." Brandon spoke up to get the squad's attention. "Something is going on over there."

All of them eyed at an unusual scenario happening at the terrorist's grounds. They saw a Terrorist arriving with a red-haired girl being apprehended.


"What's this?"

The terrorist group eyed their fellow man in arms walking as the latter was seen holding a red-haired firmly in her arms while aiming a pistol on her head.

"I found this chick creeping around the corner." Rin replied in a serious tone. "I was able to interrogate her and you would not believe what I found out!!"

The Terrorists' curiosity were indeed piqued as they seemingly brace for the inevitable answer.

"She calls herself as one of the Death Sisters of the Underworld!! Mania Death!!"

This unquestionably caused a commotion among the ranks as they murmur with one another in a rather loud fashion. Some looking curious, while most of them shivered as they know the name all too well that is feared deeply within the bowels of the Underworld.

"Truly?" One of the Terrorists responded as he eyed the girl. "Yes, she does match the description. Blood-crimson hair, violet soul-piercing eyes, and a beautiful maiden who revels in blood and death."

"Wait what is she doing here?" The one beside him questioned.

"Probably to assassinate the boss or something." Rin simply answered without any hesitation.

"We should kill her right now!!" Another one protested in fear.

"Idiot." Rin eyed the man who shouted. "She has a considerable capture alive bounty of 12 million Reis accounted for multiple murder within the gangs. If we surrender her to Reginald, then we might as well split the price money what do you say?"

"You're right brother!!" The Terrorist answered with glee upon hearing the huge amount of money. "Why don't you go on in and present her to the big boss himself."

Rin together with Mania was guided to the door as another Terrorist knock the door for them. After a few seconds, it was opened for them and finally, they entered the office.

Both blue and red grinned deviously, their sly expressions covered in the shadow of darkness.


"Booooriiiiiing." The princess uttered with a loud yawn as she eyed the Crime lord in unamusement.

"Oh sorry if our services are inadequate for your liking oh your superior highness." Reginald sarcastically rolled his eyes.

"Sir!!" One of the goons called Reginald's attention. "One of ours caught an intruder around the corner and guess what, she claims to be the infamous Mania Death of the Death Sisters."

"Really now?!" Reginald's face was all smiles and giggles. "This day just keeps getting better and better!!! Well what are you waiting for, send them in!!!"

The Terrorist nodded as he gestured his comrade unknown to them in disguise together with a red-haired pretty girl dressed in a red sheath dress.

"Fascinating." Reginald said in awestruck as he eyed the girl. "You are truly what the rumors have matched in the descriptions. Two beautiful maidens who revel in blood and death with Blood-crimson hair and violet soul-piercing eyes."

"Har-har." Mania mocked but was fake shook violently by Rin for her insolence.

And it seems that you young man are responsible for such spectacular capture!!" Reginald finally laid his gleaming eyes on Rin. "Tell me, what is it that you desire!?"

"Your blood."

Rin, without warning, released Mania from his grasp and with a quick drawing of the weapon, a gunshot was fired.



The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the entire mall as the Police squad are now witnessing the chaos as the Terrorists immediately reacted and are in clear distress and they turned their full attention to the entrance of the office.

"I believe this here is now the golden opportunity men." Henders declared to her squad. "I don't know what exactly is happening right now but the terrorists are clearly in distraught."

"Yes." Charlie nodded. "This is the right time to wreak havoc within the ranks."

All of them agreed in unison, drawing their respective weapons and finally charged in at the mayhem.