Chapter 26: A Dagger Surprise!!

At Rosemary Academy, we find Rin Grayson walking with a rather down expression as he is currently making his way to the Student Council Office as per instruction by the P.A. system that was announced just a few minutes ago.

Thankfully, the boy was not alone in his trip to the office as he was accompanied by the brown-haired heiress of the Erendal Inc., Kana Erendal herself.

"Thanks for coming with me Kana. I almost forgot that I don't even know where the Student Council Office is and I'm really glad that you're here with me since I'm also kind of nervous." Rin breathes a sigh of relief at the presence of the heiress with him.

Kana gave a friendly smile in response. "No problem Rina. After all, I don't want you getting into any trouble for not complying with the P.A. just because you got lost. Our Academy is very huge basically and new students find it hard to navigate their way to the right places. But give it a month or two, and I'm sure you'll integrate yourself completely in no time~"

"A month or two?!" Rin's eyes widen at the absurdity of the time needed as he turned his head at his every vicinity, feeling like an insignificant small insect at how vast and enormous the very place that he steps at. "W-wow. You are definitely not joking."

Indeed, Rosemary Academy prides itself as one of the leading institutes of Academic excellence, boasting a campus size of 5,020 acres, almost similar to Harvard University. It has everything that a student needs from state of the art facilities and equipment that offers world-renowned education of the highest caliber, sports complex such as a gigantic football stadium, distinct training dojos for students who engage in the different fields of martial arts, and many others. The school also employs the most professional faculty members who possess only a Masters and Doctoral degree in Education, Engineering, and other related professions as befitted in their field of expertise and teaching. The school is set in an urban setting, comparable to a small city as they have various restaurants, convenience stores, entertainment hubs, a hospital, and even different kinds of religious establishments in order to accommodate people with different beliefs. One could even say that Rosemary Academy is a league of its own, comparable to a district of Twilight City but on a smaller scale.

Keana giggled at the flabbergasted reaction of her blue-haired friend. "And get ready to be surprised even further Rina. The Student Council Office where we are headed to is inside of a tall clock tower, just like the Big Ben of London but of course smaller than that. It's hard to miss."

Rin nodded, now eyeing the clock tower from a considerable distance. "Ah so that's where it is. I thought that the damn clock is just for a display to tell us the time. Crap, I still have a lot to learn more about this school. All I know is where the classroom and gymnasium are hehehe."

"Silly Rina." Kana chuckled cutely at the blue-haired girl's expression that is similar to a child at awe.

"I wonder what the President even wants with someone like me?" Rin could not help but wonder.

Kana chuckled cutely in response. "Maybe she, like the rest of the students have heard of your glorious exploits and perhaps want to give her thanks and appreciation for the things that you have done. As you are of now, you are interested in the eyes of the public in case you are to blind to notice."

True to Kana's words, the students around them all whispered and murmured with each other as the duo were seen passing by. Some girls even wave their hands with appreciation at Rin as the boy could only do but to smile sheepishly in retaliation.

"So tell me about the Student Council President, the one I'm supposed to report to." Rin grinned, curious about the leader of the Student Body.

Kana's eyes widened with genuine surprise, now looking at Rin like someone who needs some serious educating. "Y-you don't know?"

The brown-haired girl's expression was not gone unnoticed by the boy, immediately getting the hint as he now sports a funny look on his feminine face. "Uh… am I suppose to know?"

Before Kana got the chance to tell Rin about the Student Council President, they were suddenly interrupted by an old man's voice as he cleared his throat to get the two student's attention.

Eyeing the newcomer, it was indeed an old man, his neat hair, affected by the inevitable passage of time as it sported the natural white color. He also has a goatee and a mustache with some wrinkles on his forehead. His outfit is the standard butler attire, a genuine black tuxedo coat with tails of excellent fabric quality, a white shirt with a panel front and a black bow tie, black pants and a pair of formal black dress shoes.

"Greetings." The old man held his chest as he bows down gracefully with undeniable humility.

"Ah… Hi, what can I do for you sir?" Rin answered as he was shocked by the sudden appearance of an old man towering the both of him and Kana, his imposing figure standing at a solid height of 6 feet.

"You are the esteemed Rina Mayfield am I correct?" The old man inquired with the blue-haired beauty.

"Yep, it's me alright." Rin responded as he crossed his arms.

"I see." The old man nodded. "If you would be so kind as to follow me inside the Student Council building. I'll take you the President, milady herself."

"Great." Rin grinned in response at this seemingly cool butler old man character. "Lead the way."

The butler nodded respectfully once more as both Rin and Kana followed him inside the clock tower.


Meanwhile, in the Underworld, a certain black-haired mercenary makes his return from his mercenary endeavors which took him to the various places of the Underworld as per what his contract dictates. He then entered a familiar hideout as he massaged his shoulders while stretching his neck, seemingly exhausted from one assignment after another.

"Welcome back Kayle!!!"

Kayle Faragus blink with a tired expression as he eyed on the cheerful Mania Crimstar who greeted him the moment he steps inside the hideout.

"Yeah, yeah. It's good to be back lass after a fun week of none stop killing, extortion, and other anarchist activities. Yay me." Kayle said sarcastically as he stumbled himself intentionally at the coziness that is the sofa.

"How goes the contracts passed on to you by the Great Leader?" Mania chuckled as she converses with the Black Wyvern.

"It's fine I suppose and the pay is sufficient to let me get by for a month or two." Kayle said as he yawned and took off his combat boots.

Mania giggled. "I'm sure the Great Leader will be pleased."

"Speaking of which." Kayle said in annoyance. "I still have not met the Great Leader in person yet. All you do is pass on the jobs that I am to partake and to be honest, it's kind of frustrating to not know the face of the person that I'm working for."

"You know..." Mania eyed the older man dangerously, her eyes gleaming with murdering intent as her face sported a huge sadistic grin. "For a Mercenary, you sure ask too much. I'm not sure if I appreciate your nose sticking on rather personal matters. You should-"


"Awie!!!!" Mania cried comically, not even allowing to finish her statement as a huge bump suddenly grew on her head, courtesy of an unimpressed younger twin sister holding a katana as the latter strike the former with the weapon's pommel. "What the hell was that for Mors!!?"

Mors sighed deeply, shaking her head at her sister's rather callous tendencies. "Idiotic sister of mine, sometimes you are too… passionate for my liking that you threaten our new friend here."

Then Mors bow down apologetically as she shoved Mania's head down to force her on the same position as the former is. "I apologize for my sister's behavior. Sometimes, she is too loyal that she sometimes takes things too far."

Kayle smiled sheepishly. "Ehehehe, it's fine I guess. No harm done?"

"Are you asking or telling us?" Mania retorted and the girl received another whack from her sister.

"Okay, okay sheesh!!! I was just playing around!!! Right bestie Kayle!?"

Kayle could only look at deadpan. "Right..."

"Anyways." Mors in her ever unemotional state spoke up as she drew the other's attention. "We've got new instructions from the Great Leader herself."

"Again? I just came from multiple assignments give me a break!!" Kayle groaned in utter irritation.

"Don't worry." Mors assured the Mercenary. "This will be in a few days or so, meaning you will have time for an ample well-deserved rest."

"So what is it this time sis?" Mania's violet eyes shined in enthusiasm, her pretty face letting loose a huge, sick smile. "Is it Assassination, something that involves killing? Blood? Or maybe another mass murder to one of those wretched gangs?!!"

"Nope, not even close." Mors answered as she shook her head much to Mania's disappointment as the latter pouted. "Great Leader says that we are to protect some local drug lord in a drug transaction somewhere in a location that will be disclosed to us later on. More information will be given to us a day before the event, so it would be best if you guys make your preparations for the coming day."

"A drug dealing huh?" Kayle muttered under his breath but enough for the girls to hear. "It's been some time since I did the protecting rather than the killing. What a pain in the ass because it somehow limits your movements as to make sure that the client, whoever he or she is might be will not get killed on the way."

"Oh Kayle~" Mania grinned at the Mercenary. "You do understand my predicament!!"

"If you don't have any questions, I'll be in my room if you need me. I still need to catch up on the next chapter and see if Fuyumi managed to seduce Renji and stick her dick in his virgin ass."

With that, the girl with no emotions left her two companions alone to their own devices.

"Uh… What is she talking about?" Kayle asked the redhead with a ponytail.

"Probably off reading to one of her kinky smut drawings." Mania giggled. "Say bestie Kayle, a question if you will?"

"Hmm?" Kayle responded.

"Do you know someone, a mercenary who goes by the name of Ryan Walters?" Mania asked with genuine curiosity as she smiled.

"Ryan Walters?" Kayle stroked his chin if he recollects someone with the name from his memories. "Nope never heard of him or perhaps I don't remember. Care to tell me what he looks like?"

"Sure!!" Mania grinned with enthusiasm. "He has messy blue hair, a cute, feminine face, and red crimson eyes that pierce into your very soul. He's also skilled in fighting, even proving to be on equal terms with me as he managed to keep up during that hostage incident."

"Hostage incident?" Kayle questions. Then he shook his head in realization remembering seeing it in the news together with Lucia in the Drunken Maiden. "Ah, the one involving the Mad Jester. So you were there involved in there?"

"Not exactly. Let's just say I was an innocent bystander shopping inside who just got unintentionally involved with the mess that they are doing. Long story short, I met this cute boy as we made our way to the Mad Jester, spoiling his plans and making it in one piece!! Oh I so want to meet him again KYAA!!!!~"

While Mania was holding her cheeks as she drooled shamelessly while fantasizing about Ryan Walters, Kayle was seen to frowning a bit, his thoughts on the same boy but for different reasons.

'Blue hair, a feminine face, red eyes, and a capable fighter as what Mania described him.' Kayle sighed as he took out a cigar from his pockets and lit it up.

'What trouble have you got in this time, Rin?'


Back at the Academy, Rin and Kana are now inside the clock tower with the old butler accompanying them to the Student Council Office.

"Wow, I know the tower is huge from the outside but this is insane." Rin commented as his eyes wandered around the interior.

"Your reaction is understandable young lady." The old man nodded with a chuckle. "This building here, the Rosemary Clock Tower was built with intricate engineering and funded by the royal family themselves as a generous gift to the school for providing such world-class education."

Kana nodded. "It's true. My great-great-grandfather was the one who received the building and for that, we are ever grateful as we swore our oath even further to the throne."

"Oh where are my manners." The butler said. "My name is Wilfred Heimstern, the personal butler of milady, the Student Council President of this prestigious Academic Institution."

"Nice to meet you." Rin grinned as the butler Wilfred merely nodded.

"Ah it seems that we are finally here." Wilfred said as he gestured the two to stop as they are now in front of a huge two-type wooden door with a lunar moon design on the top expertly crafted by only the most professional of wood makers.

"Wow even the doors here are luxurious." Rin said in awe while Kana beside him simply smiled at his reaction.

Wilfred proceeded to knock the door and after a few seconds, he opened the door and went inside alone.

A few minutes later, he came back saying "I apologize Ms. Erendal, but only Ms. Mayfield here is allowed to enter. Strict orders from milady herself."

"Oh it's alright." Kana said with a lovely smile. "I'm sure Rina can handle herself from here on out."

Wilhelm nodded as he instructed Rin alone to enter the room.

"So this is the office huh." Rin said as his eyes wondered his surroundings. Looking in front, he noticed that the office desk is currently unoccupied, now gaining a look of curiosity. "Say, where is the President by the way?"

Wilhelm simply ignored the boy's question as he shut the door close behind them. Then out of nowhere, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them as it attacks them with a dagger.

Well specifically right at Rin himself, completely ignoring the butler as the boy managed to dodge like a true combat specialist at the peak of the moment, his red eyes now locking straight at his aggressor.

"What the?!!" Rin could not believe at what he is seeing, his eyes widening at the figure in front of him wielding a dagger with utmost precision and expertise.

His surprise skyrocketed as he looked closely at a female by the looks of it, her feminine curves and features are being accentuated by the rather familiar catsuit that she is wearing.

Her suit, the Covert suit, masking her face, only used by an organization that he is all too familiar the most.

'What is an Agent of the Brotherhood doing here!!??'