Chapter 38: Tentacles...

"What is hentai?"

Rin Grayson could only look at Keana with the most curious expression as he tilted his head in dire confusion at the prospect of hearing a word that seemed to be unfamiliar to him.

Being an Agent that has been serving for years in the Brotherhood, never had he heard of this 'hentai' that Keana seemed to be talking about.

Perhaps it's some sort of food?

Both Keana and Meiko looked at each other with their mouth agape, not believing at how their blue-haired classmate doesn't even know such infamous terminology in the internet world that is known for corrupting millions of perverted weebs in heat like a rabbit ready to hump on anything that moves.

"Oh my God." Keana palmed her head as she and Meiko turned their backs at Rin and have their own little conversation towards one another. "I can't believe this. First, she does not know what a slumber party is, then this poor girl, not sure if just ignorant or innocently naïve does not even know what hentai is?!"

Meiko nodded as she chuckled sheepishly in response. "W-well, I suppose that it's for the best that we don't elaborate her on this matter. I want her innocence to be retained as much as possible and being the reason for her corruption is something that I would like to avoid."

Then Kana spoke up, a cute smile forming on her innocently adorable face as she also asks "Fascinating. I also never heard of this hentai. Can you girls tell me what this is all about?"

A shattered glass was once more heard in the background, Keana and Meiko looking absolutely even more mortified as they turned their heads on the brown-haired heiress.

"Not you too Kana!!" Keana cried comically.

"Well don't blame me." Kana answered with a pout. "My early education was in the Erendal household, where Father would hire the best tutors to teach me in the matters relating to academics. So in regards to what you guys call the knowledge of the street smarts, I'm still rather inadequate in such subject matters."

"Ehehe same here." Rin joined in as he nodded alongside with Kana. "Also homeschooled remember?"

"God!!" Keana shouted as she scratches her head in frustration. "It's like talking to a bunch of toddlers!! Very well, I Keana Blakes shall educate you both in the matters relating to the topic at hand. First of all, hentai is- mpppphhh!!!"

The violet-haired was instantly silenced by Meiko, the orange-haired girl in a state of panic as she put her hands on her friend's mumbling mouth.

"I-it's nothing important!!" Meiko smiled at Rin and Kana awkwardly. "Just some sort of useless information that you don't have to concern yourself with."

Keana grabbed Meiko's hands as she gasps for air. "Hey it's not useless!! As a matter of fact, Tentacle Hentai is- mphhh!!!"

"Keana…." Meiko's face suddenly turned batshit demonic, her expression assuming a grim manner as her eyes flickered with the promise of pain that scared the hell out of the violet-haired girl.

"F-fine." Keana said, rarely seeing this side of Meiko. "But they are going to find out sooner or later you know."

"I know." Meiko shifter her demeanor in an instant, like night to day as she smiled at Keana. "Let's just savor the moment when their innocent minds are still intact. Also, is it not more fun to see the looks on their adorable faces when they really did find out?"

Keana's eyes widen as she now looks excited at the prospect of seeing Rin and Kana's funny reactions when they will know what hentai really is. "You are right Meiko!! Never pictured you to be the prankster type though."

"I have my moments." Meiko smiled.

Rin and Kana felt left out as they look at each other.

"Hentai?" Kana uttered in question.

"Tentacle Hentai? What do octopuses have anything to do with that?" Rin stroked his chin as he pondered the implications behind an animal native in the aquatic habitat and also served as a delicious seafood cuisine.

Maybe it really is food after all!!!

With a resolve as unyielding as a rigid stone wall, both of them agreed to find out what this hentai really means once and for all!!

And for that, they decided to go to the place where one can consider to be the center of knowledge within the school, where a student has the grateful privilege of indulging themselves aa they bask in the amount of knowledge present inside.


"Ahahahaha Rin Grayson never fails to entertain!!!"

Inside the Student Council Office, the Student Council President who in fact is also the crowned princess of the Kingdom of Twilight was seen to be laughing to her heart's content at the news being delivered to her by a certain personal Agent bodyguard of hers.

Crane, now out of her Covert suit is shown to be also a student of Rosemary Academy, a beautiful young girl with a short pale violet hair and eyes of the same color. Her shapely body in all aspects is desirable to most individuals, an hourglass figure that compliments very well with her pair of C-cup assets. She is also a tall girl, about 5'5" in height as shown to be slightly comparable with the likes of one Keana Blakes.

"I'm not sure if it was the best course of action or the professional one as befitting for his status as a fellow brother of the Brotherhood." Crane twitched her head in annoyance as a blush was formed on her pretty face. "I heard that Agent Ant as they say in the Brotherhood is one of the most eccentric Agents within the Service. But I never expected him to perform such… indecent actions towards Erica Von'laden no less. Even if I heard about their disputes toward one another but to humiliate her in public by spanking her in the backside? A normal person would not go that far."

The silver-haired princess Riana, who is currently sitting on her desk and sipping on her exquisite brand of tea smiled at her Agent in response. "And I believe that Rin Grayson is anything from normal, don't you agree? For an Agent known to be living within the shadows, he has been garnering some serious amount of attention. Perhaps this is some sort of ploy? Masking himself in the bright glory of fame as a new innovative way of diverting the people's attention from his true identity. Fufufu, what an interesting man he is."

"I see your point Prin… uh I mean Riana." Crane stuttered at almost not mentioning the princess name much to Riana's disapproval. "If such is the case, then he must be very clever than we initially thought or maybe he is just that stupid."

"Oh I'm pinning on the former Crane." Riana chuckled as she put the tea back to the desk. "And I have a new assignment for you."

"Anything for you Riana." Crane nodded with the most respect, one that is only worthy of her liege.

"Fufufu, excellent Crane. It's just simple really, nothing too hard. I just want to confirm my suspicions after all." Riana smiled with intrigued as she commanded her Agent Bodyguard.

"I want a sample of Rin Grayson, anything from his hair, skin, saliva, or maybe… Blood…"