Chapter 40: Confrontations...

The epic search for hentai has been halted for now as more matters are of dire importance at this point right now.

A day after the fiasco at the library, Rin Grayson was suddenly instructed to go at the Headmaster's office, the P.A. system announced his female name for all the school to hear.

And here the boy, finding him at his desk inside the classroom in this very afternoon could only wonder in sheer curiosity at what business does the headmaster perhaps wants with him considering that they just talk yesterday and already relayed the status of his daughter, Kana Erendal to him.

"Here you are again making your name known throughout the public again." Keana Blakes approached the blue-haired boy with his head lazily rested on his desk, feeling rather unmotivated this early morning. "So what is it that you do this time huh?"

Rin eyed his violet-haired classmate, shaking his head in uncertainty. "This time, I don't know. I'm not exactly sure what Kana's dad would want with someone like me."

"I see hehehe." Keana grinned mischievously like someone that has sensed something very intriguing and just could not pass it up. "My Journalist senses are tingling. It seems that once again, I sense some scoop about you in the center of another controversy going on around here. Wow Rina, you are practically a walking gold mine for us the Newspaper club in case you still have not noticed."

Rin simply sighed, not even bothering to question his predicament any longer with all the shenanigans that have happened for the past couple of days. "Give me a break Keana. I did not know that my life here at school is going to be very hectic."

"Well, you are just that awesome that's all." Keana smiled as she complimented the boy and patted his shoulders in comfort. "Say… since you are going to the Headmaster's office, is it alright if I come with you?"

Rin looked at the giddy girl in deadpan, his expression looking like he does not care. "Do what you want At this point, I've already got nothing to lose with all the unnecessary attention pointing towards me."

Keana's smile widens at his response as she saw Rin standing up from his seat as the boy proceeded to leave the classroom with Keana now behind him.

"Wait." Rin looked at Keana suspiciously. "We still have class right? What are you doing trying to skip classes huh? In my case, it's fine since it was a direct order from the Headmaster's office and you might get in trouble though."

"Eh screw classes." Keana replied playfully as she struck out her tongue. "A potential scoop is a million times even worth than some boring one hour lecture. And besides, we members of the Newspaper club have the special privilege of being exempted from classes, in a reasonable amount of time of course and also if I can keep up with my grades. As long as I can deliver some grand news out of this, then I'll be pardoned and shall receive no punishment whatsoever."

"Huh neat." Rin was slightly astonished. "I heard from the others that you are one of the smartest girls in the class, so I bet you are having a time of your life when you can skip classes on a case to case basis."

"Maybe." Keana smiled. "Well to be fair, I don't do this very often and only do so when my gut tells me that a potential scoop is on the loose. Oh trust me, my gut never failed me Rina and you will be the key in legalizing my crime of cutting classes hehehe."

"Right…" Rin rolled his eyes as they continued their walk going to the Headmaster's office.

"After a few minutes, they have finally arrived at their designated location, right in front of a huge door where a familiar glasses-wearing woman with green hair standing nearby.

"Ah Ms. Mayfield, the headmaster and I have been expecting you." The woman smiled welcomingly at Rin.

"Ah… Ms. Melynda Greenrose, the deputy headmistress was it?" Rin clarified at seeing the familiar face of the woman that he had met before the headmaster on his first day.

"Yes, you are correct Ms. Mayfield." The woman, Melynda nodded. She then turned her eyes at the boy's companion, Keana Blakes who now seemed to flinch at the sharp gaze that Melynda has been giving to her. "And I recall that only Ms. Mayfield has been instructed to be called here. What are you doing here Ms. Blakes?"

"Ehehehe, well…" Keana chuckled nervously as she scratches her head. "Just uh you know… Newspaper club duties."

"Hmm I see." Melynda held a serious look as she adjusted her glasses and understood the privileges behind the said club all too well. "Very well, this situation may also in fact be newsworthy for your club to gather content with. Alright, I will allow this and you may accompany Ms. Mayfield inside."

"Sweet!!!" Keana cheered loudly as she eyed Melynda gratefully, the latter merely looking at the former in deadpan with unamusement. Keana smiled sheepishly at this. "R-right, er… I mean, thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity Ms. Greenrose ma'am. As the representative of the Newspaper club here, I only exist to reveal the light of the unadulterated truth and only the truth, nothing more, nothing less."

"As it should be Ms. Blakes." Melynda simply nodded as she opened the door and gestured for both of them to enter the office.

The two of them immediately complied, finding themselves stepping forth inside of the Headmaster's office where Jonathan Erendal was seen on his desk together with two other individuals.

And it seems that one of the two figures that are beside Jonathan is in fact someone that both Rin and Keana had the utmost displeasure of knowing too well.

"Hello, Rina Mayfield…"

Erica Von'laden stared at Rin in pure discontent, a scowl evident on her pretty face as she uttered the boy's girl name, every syllable filled with resentment and contempt.

"Y-you?!" Rin crossed his arms in annoyance, not expecting to see the bane of his student life here in the same room again, and in the office of the headmaster nonetheless. "What are you up to again Pest?"

Then the other figure, a man with black hair and mustache in his late forties who is dressed formally in a black suit made himself known as he looks at Rin with anger on his eyes.

"So you are Rina Mayfield." The man wondered his eyes analytically at the blue-haired boy, seemingly taking note of his every feature. Then his next words sounded in contained rage, the slight raising of his tone caused everyone in the room to wince slightly at the sudden ferocity of his voice.

"Not many are brave and bold to offend the Von'laden family openly. So I ask you this young girl… what entered inside that feeble mind of yours for you to humiliate my daughter in a despicable manner in front of the whole crowd?"