Chapter 46: In Deep waters...

Lucia Mayfield has definitely made such a lasting impression towards the every occupant present inside the office, their expression merely dumbfounded as they could only wonder who in Mother Twilight's name is this intruder who has just barged in a rude and outrageous manner.

Well except for one Jonathan Erendal that is, as the headmaster simply shook his head with a smile at knowing his lifelong friend and fellow Brotherhood Agent's silly antics when they were still working together.

Behind Lucia, we find the two girls who accompanied the blonde woman, both Kana and Meiko eyeing her in a state of utter shock, absolutely not expecting such outgoing action coming from the adult.

"W-wow." Kana had her mouth agape as she chuckled sheepishly. "I never thought that she would just barge in like that. She must be very worried about Rina."

"Y-yeah." Meiko nodded, having the same point of view as her brown-haired friend. "I also did not imagine that she would have such… unreserved personality. Yup, definitely Rina's cousin alright."

Kana giggled cheerfully in response. "Tehee, I suppose. They sure are family indeed."

"Ah Lucia you're finally here!!" Jonathan stood up from his chair as he greeted the blonde newcomer openly. "I've been expecting you!! And it seems that your beloved goddaughter and her friend is also here!! Come, join us."

Yup, Godparent status is finally confirmed for Kana Erendal who smiled deeply at this revelation.

Edmund Von'laden eyed the blonde woman in attention, observing the rather friendly interactions going on between her and the headmaster. His curiosity being poked but still feeling a bit irked by how this woman entered their woman with no social etiquette, Edmund could not help but ask in a tone with contempt.

"Jonathan, who is this barbaric woman?"

As Lucia attempted to insult the man back, Jonathan comically covered her mouth, a funny scene now unfolding upon the young students as they sweat drop in a comedic style.

"Ah yes." Jonathan smirked deviously, releasing his hand from the annoying blonde and finally introduced her for all to witness.

"This is my good friend, Lucia Mayfield, sole guardian and cousin of our student in question, Rina Mayfield."

"I see." Edmund nodded, eyeing the now known woman in an analyzing gaze. "Very well, I'll keep this short, my daughter, Erica Von'laden was harassed in an indecent manner by your cousin Rina Mayfield in front of the whole public."

"Hmph!!" Rin scoffed unamusingly as he crossed his arms in defiance. "I was merely delivering justice for all the wrongdoing that your daughter has done to me and additionally to Meiko as well even if it was not intentional but the deed still has done its damage."

The orange-haired girl flinched at being mentioned.

"Don't get me wrong child." Edmund frowned as he turned his gaze to the blue-haired boy. "I also do not agree with my daughter's unbecoming actions but your actions are all the same inappropriate. Slapping my daughter's exposed backside in front of the whole public is not a befitting way to settle the matters to an end."

In the sidelines, we could see Erica covering her reddened face in pure embarrassment.

Lucia's eyes widen as she screamed astonishingly at Rin's shameless action. "You did what!!?"

Rin merely shrinks in fear as he could have sworn that a terrifying silhouette of a Lion was seen behind the blonde woman.

"H-hey in my defense... That was only the 2nd time that I did something vile to her while Pest… uh I mean Von'laden did it about 5 or 6 times. So I'm still on the poor end of the stick over here if you consider it mathematically and logically!!" Rin defended himself as he waved his hands frantically in response.

Lucia merely palmed as she shakes her head in a troubled manner. "Oh Rina, where did I raised you wrong and how you grew up to be such a degenerate perverted girl."

"Hey!!!" Rin protested in retaliation as Kana, Keana, and Meiko snickered in the background.

And speaking of the violet-haired member of the Newspaper club, she certainly does find the whole drama in deep fascination, a worthy scoop to be published in the next news issue.

"So the blonde bombshell is Rina's cousin." Keana grinned as she continuously captured photos in every angle just like how a professional photographer is engrossed in his or her art.

Keana's eyes were then are also glued particularly at the blonde woman's chest in admiration. "She certainly does have a huge…. 'personality'."

"But poor Rina though…" The student journalist now eyeing on the blue-haired beauty's… non-existent chest this time with a look of pity as she wipes a tear falling in her eye. "It seems that she was not able to get that distinct set of genes from her gifted cousin there, being as flat as a board. How sad.."

If Rin was indeed a real girl, then he would be twitching in the most utter of annoyance and will consider strangling the violet-haired girl out of pure comical rage if he found out what Keana has been thinking about him.

Anyways, the commotion is still ongoing with Lucia and Rina facing off against the pair of Von'laden father and daughter.

"Tsk, I still can't fathom at how a commoner though is brave enough to go against the Von'laden name." Edmund scowled facing the Mayfields. "Very well, I will drop this issue…"

"Really?" Rin's demeanor immediately brightens, with Lucia now smiling in relief and the rest just simply glad that it was now finally over.

They were wrong though…

"But…" Edmund raised his finger, adding in a condition to the action. "Only if Rina Mayfield here apologizes while on her knees."

"W-what?!!" Rina screamed in defiance with Lucia's face glowering as Erica was now seen eyeing at the boy evilly in the background. "Why the heck should I do that?! She too has wronged me so I deserved some apology too!!"

"Yes about that…" Edmund said. "Erica…"

"Yeah, I'm so 'sorry' Rina Mayfield." Erica said in fake acting, not even sounding apologetical.

"What the?!" Meiko shouted. "You call that an apology?!!! That was half-assed!!!"

"You act atrociously on your own in public, where everyone witnesses my daughter's humiliating display. That and it seems that this event is being captured and recorded by that young lady over there, so it would serve as a lesson for commoners openly defying their superiors in the general public. This is to maintain the order of the hierarchy system that this Kingdom has established ever since its fruitful awakening. All of these are strictly for the good of the law and nothing else."

He said all of these while pointing at Keana Blakes with her camera intact.

"Oops!!" Keana was caught off guard by Edmund using her as leverage to force the boy in a troublesome predicament. "S-sorry guys, my bad!!"

"Hehehe serves you right commoner!!!" Erica cackled madly. "I knew that in the end, you are still going to succumb to the might of us nobles. So please be a dear and down on your knees like the Ant you are."

Funny how Erica unknowingly uses the boy's codename to insult him.

"Erica…" Edmund eyed the girl sternly, causing her to be quiet in an instant.

Rin merely sighed in utter annoyance. "Keana, can't you stop the recordings?"

"Too late Rina…" The violet haired girl frowned. "Every bit of the recording and pictures are programmed to send to the newspaper club and knowing my editor-in-chief, she wouldn't pass such a golden opportunity at a piece of grand news. As we speak, Chief Shaye is also witnessing the events unfolding!!"

Both Kana and Meiko are in deep worry for Rina over there, feeling enraged at how their friend is going to be tormented into being shamed in a whole new level of inferiority.

Rin shook his head as he gritted his teeth, finding himself in deep waters this time. "And what if I refuse?"

"Then you will be punished appropriately as per the laws that govern the Kingdom for directly refusing a noble's orders. And you know the laws are not benevolent to the ones breaking them. I'm being lenient here Mayfield and only asking for an apology while kneeling."

'Fucking laws.' Rin's expression darkens. 'So this is the nobles, manipulating laws in their so-called order and justice. Not generalizing or anything but… this is just too sick.'

As Rin seemingly felt that he has no other choice, the feeling of despair coming to embrace him at this very moment. Slowly now coming to knees just to end this madness, it seems that a ray of hope shines upon him as someone halted his action.

"Hold it right there young lass!!"

Jonathan Erendal was seen to be grinning widely as he raised his hand to stop the young boy.