Chapter 59: Epilogue to an operation... with some cheek pinching!!!

The police force eyed Hannie in disbelief after the girl has finished telling her story of how she got the drug.

"Wait…" Henders raised her right hand, clarifying at what the pink-haired girl just said recently. "So you're saying that when you went out going to the forest to get some fresh air, you somehow stumbled on the drug, simply laying on the ground for the taking?"

"Yep!!" Hannie answered with utmost enthusiasm, a cheerful expression gracing forth on her cute face. "The baddies must have dropped it while they made their hasty escape!!"

"Huh." Oliver crossed his arms, a look of slight disappointment present. "That's sadly anticlimactic. I was expecting some tale of action pack goodness of how you took out numerous armed men in your bitter conquest to take the drug away from their evil hands."

"Oh, Oliver." Charlie smiled while he shook his head at the man's ridiculous expectations. "You and your damn imaginations. That's what you get when you watch too much anime."

Seeing no reason not to believe the pink-haired police girl in front of them, the police force merely nodded in response, grateful that something is going with them finally on the way.

"Good work ma'am." The Corporal policeman nodded, after feeling frustrated that he and the investigation team were not able to gather the evidence as easy as they wanted to, the man now was utterly relieved that it was finally all over and they all can now go back to HQ and get a well-deserved rest.

"Hehe, I'm just that freaking awesome right?" Hannie held her hips as she braced her chest up proudly. "All's well that ends well, right?"

"Not exactly."

Hannie immediately gulps in fear upon seeing the terrifying look that Henders is giving her.

"And do pray to tell as to why you only mentioned this now? You've caused a lot of a lot of time and trouble for the investigation team here after all." Henders twitch her head in pure annoyance, towering the small girl rather scarily as Hannie shrink down at the demonic presence being emitted by the Captain.

"Ehehe…" Hannie chuckled nervously. "I forgot?"

"Wrong answer."

Then, the entire Police force inside could only witness with a sweatdrop at how the Police Captain, Henders Alexia, pinch the cheeks of Hannie Faragus as the latter could only shriek in a comedic fashion.

Funny, it's the same situation with the end of the mall incident but instead of her ears, it's now her cheeks.

And just like that, the drug incident finally came to its satisfying conclusion.


"Fufufu, he really did that?"

Inside the Student Council Office, Riana was seen with a look of intrigue on her pretty face, a smile being assumed while she stands and eyes the entire Academy in a bird's eye view from the window.

"Yes, Princess Riana." Crane nodded with respect to her liege. "Rin Grayson it seems just humiliated Mr. Von'laden right in front of the whole school to witness via live recordings."

She said all these while showing the footage of the blue-haired boy bowing in the most sincere seiza manner that even the Japanese themselves are going to be stunned in amazement if they get to see the boy in their signature way of sitting.

"Rin Grayson." Riana uttered the boy's name with glee, her voice dripping in excitement just thinking about him. "He never ceases to amaze us huh. I definitely look forward to more of his accomplishments."

While the princess is chuckling with joy, she then eyed at Crane, the latter was seen to be with a very serious expression as the former now eyed with curiosity.

"What's wrong Crane?" Riana smiled in concern for her Agent Bodyguard. "You seem rather fowl. It's unbefitting for a beauty such as yourself."

Crane upon hearing the princess, snaps herself out from her momentary daze. "My apologies Princess Riana. It's just that…"

"Speak Crane." Riana gestures the Agent to be open with her. "I value the opinions of my dear subjects, so don't hesitate to speak up with whatever that is occupying in your mind."

"Of course Princess." Crane answered. "I just could not help but wonder, why do you seem interested in the boy, Rin Grayson? I know that he is one of the most remarkable Agents in our Brotherhood, but I'm sure that's not the reason is it?"

"Fufufu." The Princess simply giggled in response. "You'll find out soon enough after you have done what I have requested in regards to acquiring his DNA. Speaking of which, how goes your undertakings?"

"Ah, of course." Crane widens her eyes in realization, taking out a toothpick wrapped inside securely with a transparent plastic seal. "During lunch when I was observing him together with his three friends, I was able to acquire this piece of material after he put it on his plate and surrendered it to the dishwasher. I then hastily got this before the staff threw it in the trash bins thankfully."

"Excellent work as always Crane, fufufu." Riana grinned in satisfaction as she received the toothpick from her.

The princess then eyed the item of interest in deep fascination, recalling the events of her first meeting with the blue-haired Agent during the time when she was taking a leisure patrol inside the hallway many days ago.

<"Sorry, are you alright?">

She could remember their very first words of exchange, the boy gracing upon her as the silver-haired girl look him from down below when they both bump into each other and her tripping on the ground clumsily as a result.

The boy in his female persona, gazes her with his crimson red eyes, his hand reaching unto her with the familiar smile gracing forth in his dreamy expression.

The very moment when she saw his face, something inside her stirred rather intensely as she could have sworn that she saw a silhouette of someone that she holds dear the most right beside Rin's feminine face.

Their faces, in fact, look awfully similar to one another, the signature crimson red eyes of the royal family attesting to that fact.

Yes, Riana could only nod in delight, imagining Rin with his hair colored in silver just like her. The similarities with the boy she knew are definitely clear as crystal.

Never in her entire life would she ever forget the face of the boy that made her childhood wholesome and wholeheartedly memorable despite the passing years, holding that cradle of hope that they will meet again right in her very heart.

Someone that she loves the most in the entire world.

Someone… Her Beloved Big brother.

One that was missing for all these years…

Riana Constantine Lunaria once again eyed the entire Academy from her window in its glorious scenery, expecting a bright future indeed ahead of her.

Hopefully with her dearest big brother on the equation…


"P-princess…" Crane eyed the silver-haired girl in bewilderment at seeing her liege in such an unbecoming expression for a royal like her. "You're drooling…"

"Oh my!!" Riana widens her eyes with a blush at thinking such indecent thoughts between her and her brother. Regaining her composure, she immediately wipes her falling saliva with a handkerchief.

'I know that it is you, big brother. I just know it!!' Riana thought, now with a serious look, resolve completely unyielding.

'And it seemed that you forgot about me. An amnesia perhaps? I bet SHE has something to do with this.'

Such are the crowned princess' final thoughts, filled with nothing but pure resentment to whoever the woman that she is thinking.

VOLUME 2 END: School Days and a Chameleon.