Chapter 62: Questioning the color...

"Is this by any chance your natural hair color?"

Rin eyed at the princess who was staring her with a look of sincere interest, holding the silver strand of hair that was plucked somewhere on his forehead part.

The boy widens his eyes like something has struck on him very hard on his head.

Riana crossed her arms with an impatient expression on her face, stomping her left foot continuously as she gazes the boy who seemed to now have looked rather annoyed at the revelation. The girl braces herself for the mystery to be revealed, anticipating what Rin is going to answer her.

"Ah crap, not again..."

Riana now was utterly confused by the blue-haired boy's response, her head tilting with the said reaction. "Hmm? What do you mean Rina Mayfield?"

Rin merely sighed, finally replying to the girl's question. "I'm not exactly sure myself to be honest. You see, ever since when I was a kid, I have this some sort of genetic condition on my hair. It's nothing serious really. When I was brought to the Agency's doctor, he simply told me that I have that genetic trait where my hair would prematurely turn gray at a young age, even explaining how the pigment cells in my hair follicles are dying at a rate faster than normal, thus containing less melanin and assuming a more transparent color, which in my case is the color gray, or maybe silver as what you perceive. So, as per suggestion by the doctor and other people in the Brotherhood, I am to dye my hair blue every once in a while to cope up with my said genetic condition. It seems that the strand of hair that you are holding is the one that just grew without me noticing. I guess I have to thank you for it."

"Really now?" Riana closed her eyes in deep ponder at the boy's explanation, shifting into a serious look as she then gritted her teeth while fuming in what it seems to be slight anger.

"Or maybe it is definitely your natural hair color."

The last statement, she mumbled to herself quietly.

Rin could only wonder why the girl seemed rather ticked off.

"What's wrong, Riana?" The Agent asks in concern. "You seem aggravated. Was it something I said?"

"It's nothing, Rina Mayfield." Riana immediately snaps herself out as she realized her unbecoming reaction that she is showing to Rin. She then took a deep breath and regained her composure calmly as she comes up with a feasible excuse while showing to be now smiling cheerfully. "It's just that, I find it unnecessary for you to dye your hair in all things to be considered. After all, it may not be a big deal. In fact, imagining you in silver hair… just like MINE… is something to be not ashamed and frankly, suits you a lot better in my opinion."

'That, and I want to witness how similarly you look with HIM.' The girl added inside her thoughts.

"Hmm..." Rin stroked his chin as he considered the words of advice that Riana offered while twirling his long blue hair. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just that, for the longest time, this blue hair of mine has been a part of me, being with me in times of peace and trouble. If I simply abandon it right now, then a part of me might just cease to exist, bringing me in great discomfort and unease. I hope you understand."

"Very well." Riana smiled sadly in response, gazing him with a sympathetic nod. The girl then forces herself to chuckle cutely. "I suppose you are not Rina Mayfield without the blue hair."

"Yep." Rin grinned wholeheartedly. "Although having silver hair can also be quite a bad-ass!! Sometimes, I envy you and your family for having a cool hair color!!"

Riana at this moment beamed brightly, giggling as she teases. "And with your crimson red eyes like mine, many might mistake you for being a member of the royal family."

"Hey, you're right Riana!!" Rin's widen his eyes in glee. "Hehehe, imagine, me being called Rin Constantine Lunaria. How awesome is that?"

"Very, Rina Mayfield." Riana smiled with pure joy, a subtle joyful tear falling on her eyes as she wipes it in an instant. "Very awesome indeed."

Alas, their hearty conversation has reached to an end as the school bell suddenly rang loudly for the whole Academy to hear.

"Fuck." Rin suddenly pales at this, gulping as he bowed down at the princess to make his respectful exit. "I guess I better take my leave now Riana. Don't want to be late again and all."

"Of course Rina Mayfield." Riana smiled, nodding as she waves her hands in farewell.

Rin returned the same gesture as he hurriedly makes his way inside the Academic building, going to his classroom in a flash as he does not want a repeat on being late. After all, that was the main catalyst leading to him being known throughout the entire campus.

After Riana smiled as she eyes at Rin's retreating figure, her expression turn a darker turn, with crimson red eyes flickering dangerously.

'If what Rin said is true, then I could only assume that the Brotherhood has been hiding some things from him… Tsk.' Riana clicks her tongue as she thought with a resentful frown. 'Those wretched fools, even going so far as to make some excuses regarding his hair color. Rin may have been fooled by those conniving sewer rats, but I know better. I'll make sure to uncover the mystery that is you… Rin Grayson.'

The girl then left the scene, proceeding to the Student Council Office as per her duties as the President before eventually making her way to her classroom for Academic instructions. Being the President, she has every right to be late as she upholds her duties to the fullest.

'If it is you Big Brother...' Riana thought, as the winds pave forth in a breathtaking motion, bringing in a cold yet comforting feeling while she holds the beret cap on her head so that it won't be blown off away.

'Then I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back… Even if it means defying HER.'