Chapter 75: Into the Storeroom!!

A week has passed and preparations for the Foundation Festival are going very smoothly for all the students of Rosemary Academy.

Multiple decorations can now be seen all over the Academy's grounds in preparation for the event itself as stalls, banners, and other paraphernalia are meticulously installed in accordance with the artistic aptitude that the Academy is known for.

Taking place outside, we find Meiko Aliston together with the girl (boy) of her nightly fantasies, Rina Mayfield as they are seen to be walking outside.

"T-thanks for accompanying me, Rina." Meiko stuttered a bit with a blush as she said with appreciation.

"No problem." Rin smiled in response as he chatted with the orange-haired girl. "Everyone seemed to be pretty busy with their specific roles in decorating the classroom. With the manpower more than enough in there, I suppose an extra help at whatever Kana assigns you to do won't hurt. By the way, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Ah yes." Meiko nodded as she tells Rin their task for today. "Kana told me that some of the decorative supplies that we need are inside the Academy's storeroom located east from here. Kana already secured a permit and bought the items for us, so the only thing that we need to do is to show the permit to the storekeeper and she'll retrieve the listed items from the storeroom's inventory."

"That's pretty convenient," Rin said. "With the daughter of Headmaster Erendal on our side, I guess money won't definitely be an issue for our class."

"Haha, yeah." Meiko chuckled heartily. "Having Kana on our side certainly has its perks."

Time seems to have run short for the duo as they continue their leisure chatting. Before they knew it, the two have finally arrived at their designated location.

"Oh, we're here," Meiko told Rin as they now find themselves in front of a warehouse.

Although the two of them are not exactly alone since another pair of students also made themselves known to Rin and Meiko.

"Well, well, who do we have here?"

Rin couldn't resist rubbing his forehead in utter annoyance as he now stares at the girl who has caused him a whole amount of sheer headache during his stay here.

And the girl is no other than-

"What do you want Pest?" Rin eyed Erica Von'laden with a stoic expression as the latter was also seen being accompanied by her aide, Velvet Agustina.

"You again!?" Meiko certainly was not holding her emotions back as she snarled right at the black-haired noble. "Are you here to cause Rina some trouble again!?"

Erica simply waves her hand dismissingly at them, smiling mischievously. "Oh please, as much as I would love to see Mayfield groveling under my feet, we have some more important matters to attend to here at the storeroom."

"You are also here for the supplies, correct?" Rin questions the noble as he saw a piece of paper that Velvet is carrying, which is similar to the permit that Meiko holds.

"Yes." Erica nodded. "After all, preparations for the festival have to be meticulous if our class wishes to emerge victorious in the end."

Rin shrugs his shoulders, seeing that Erica seems to mean no harm to him for today.

And with that said, the four of them entered the storeroom.

Inside the building, the first sight that graces them is the reception area where the students inquired to whoever is behind the counter for whatever business that brings them in the storeroom.

In this case, they are greeted by a middle-aged woman wearing a blue cover-all suit with her ponytailed brown hair covered by a work towel.

"What can I do for you youngsters?" The storekeeper welcomed the students with an accommodating smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Goodwill." It was Meiko who initiated the conversation as she gave the permit to the storekeeper. "My friend Rina over here and I would like to acquire the listed supplies for our class."

The storekeeper, now known as Mrs. Goodwill eyed at the permit with understanding. "Very well."

Then Mrs. Goodwill also turns to look at the other pair. "And what about you two? Are you here for the same reason as them?"

"Yes, Mrs. Goodwill," Erica replied nonchalantly as she ordered Velvet to give their own permit as well to the storekeeper.

With the two permits now on the hands of Mrs. Goodwill, the storekeeper proceeded to verify the list of items.

After some time, a frown is seen to be showing right on Mrs. Goodwill's face, like the woman is troubled by this current predicament.

"Hmm..." The storekeeper assumes a scowl expression. "I'm afraid this won't do."

"What do you mean Mrs. Goodwill?" Meiko asks the woman with concern.

The rest of the students share the same expression with Meiko as all of them looked intently at the Storekeeper for the woman to clarify.

Mrs. Goodwill set the papers aside on her desk as she tells them of the situation. "You see, supplies recently have been very scarce lately with all the preparations of the festival going on hand. With the higher years being given the priority, you girls are not the only ones who have been piling up with all the requests for supplies. I'm afraid that you have to wait for our inventory to restock in another week or so."

After Mrs. Goodwill addresses them of the bad news, the 4 girls each have their own varying reactions about the matter.

"No, this can't be, this is unacceptable!!" Erica being a brat, throws a tantrum. "How are we supposed to win the festival if we lack the supplies?!"

"M-mistress, please calm down." Velvet tries to reason the noble.

"But we already paid for the items," Meiko said with pleading eyes. "Please Mrs. Goodwill, is there something that can be done?"

"Yeah." Rin expressed in an emphasizing manner as he taps the counter a bit loudly to catch all of their attention. "Just like Meiko said, we have the permit and the items are already paid for. Also, we can't afford to waste even a precious week since the amount of work that can be done in the said period is very valuable."

Mrs. Goodwill sighed deeply as she shook her head. But then, her eyes widen as she does come up with something that may solve the student's predicament.

"Wait." Mrs. Goodwill gestured the students to listen to her. "I may have an idea that could solve everyone's problems."

The students indeed were caught with interest as they look at the Storekeeper for what idea she is going to come up with.

"You see, this Storeroom purchases its items from a supply store in the New Moon District." Mrs. Goodwill explains with a smile as she handed back the permits to the students. "If you girls are so dead set in getting your supplies, then I suggest that you go directly and hand your permits over there instead. Don't worry, the manager is, in fact, my husband. Just mention my name and he'll be glad to entertain you all by giving your listed items for free."

All the students nodded with understanding at the storekeeper's suggestion.

"Alright." Meiko declared as she grins brightly. "It's either waiting for our supplies for a week or going to the city for some shopping. I'm sure you girls already know what to do right?"

The rest of them simply agreed without any arguments with the orange-haired girl. Mrs. Goodwill also provided them with the store's address as she wrote it down on a piece of paper and gives it to Meiko.

"Going to the city huh," Erica said as she put out her phone as she made a call. "I suppose it can't be helped. If our class is going to have any hope in winning the festival, then sacrifices have to be made, sacrifices like going out with someone like you Mayfield."

Rin merely rolled his eyes at Erica's statement.

As the call was established on Erica's phone, a man's voice on the other line answers. "Ah Lady Erica, what can I do for you today ma'am?"

"Vincent," Erica said with a proud tone as she grins. Then she uttered her orders to the man.

"Ready the Limo."